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A few days later

"Ugh, finally. I got so fed up with this." Bomi stretched her arms, yawning. She never liked it when projects dragged on for so long, "Anyways, I'm done." She stood up, packing her things.

"Excuse me? Where are you going? We have to submit this." Taehyung looked at Hyunjae who was following his girlfriend, hurriedly grabbing his stuff and putting it in his bag. 

"Please, let me go. I don't wanna face that demon right now." Bomi gave Taehyung puppy eyes, trying to convince him.

"You always do this." Taehyung rolled his eyes, sending a small glare to the two. He knew it was no big deal but seeing everyone run off and leaving off the submission to him was annoying. 

"I'm sorry, we have a class but that's just the main excuse. We don't want him to give feedback right now. You can take Jungkook with you. Please?" Hyunjae pleaded, eyes going to the junior who was busy piling papers for stapling.

"Why? If you all are leaving, he should too. I can go alone. Why burden him?"

"Go alone where?" Jungkook asked, standing up to wind up the messy table. He was half-zoned out as he slept late the previous night.

"Can you accompany Tae to the professor's office?" Bomi asked.

"Aren't we all going?"

"Those two are ditching us," Taehyung told him. Jungkook looked at them with judging eyes. Sure, he was almost always late but finished his work efficiently without leaving halfway.

"It's fine. We can spend more time together and we have a smoothie date due." Jungkook whispered to Taehyung who paused, thinking it was a good idea.

"You two can run along. We got this." Taehyung shooed them away and they didn't even have the energy to stop and question this sudden change of heart.

"Wow, I didn't know you were looking forward to it so much." Jungkook laughed and Taehyung gave him a sweet smile.

"You were probably more eager than me."

"True. Can't say I wasn't."

"Oh, you're so sly. Just wrap this up." Taehyung chose not to give too much reaction. He knew his heart was close to giving in.

All that effort to avoid dating and now some junior made an appearance to make his heart flutter like a high school teen.


The smoothie date was going better than Taehyung expected. They picked up their order and decided to stroll around campus. It felt more comfortable this way and they could take pictures.

Turned out Jungkook took amazing pictures or maybe it was because of the way he saw Taehyung, not just with the camera lenses.

"How come you're not a photography major? These are amazing." Taehyung said, fascinated by how aesthetic these casual clicks look. Jungkook shrugged, telling him it was just a hobby.

The two sat on one of the benches, talking about random topics. They didn't need to think too much about what to talk about.

Taehyung caught Jungkook gazing at him like a smitten idiot countless times and every time, his heart would betray him to pick up a quick pace.


"Nothing," Jungkook sighed softly, "I just find you really really attractive."

"Are all business majors this straightforward?" Taehyung asked, impressed by how smooth this guy flirted. It was such a turn-on for him.

"Dunno," Jungkook smiled when he saw Taehyung blush, "Do you dislike it?"

"Not really. I rather like it." Taehyung said, giving Jungkook the butterflies he rarely felt. The two couldn't deny this strong chemistry they felt between them.

While walking Taehyung back to his dorm, Jungkook kept glancing at Taehyung's hand, wanting to hold it but he didn't want to come off as too strong and scare the elder away. It was just their first date and too casual to do anything intimate.


"Yeah?" The elder faced him, expecting Jungkook to tell him he had a great time or if they could do this again but the younger always surprised him.

"Can I take you out for lunch sometime? If it's okay with you?" Jungkook asked, not wasting time hesitating or contemplating things, "Say yes or no."

"Yes, I'd like that." Taehyung's answer made Jungkook want to kiss him but again, he didn't wanna move too fast, "And let me plan the date after this lunch one. Sounds good?"

"Sounds great." Jungkook grinned happily, ecstatic that Taehyung was willing to take him out as well.

"I had a good time with you. Get home safely." Taehyung said, having the urge to at least kiss Jungkook's cheek but he settled for a hug. Leaning closer, he whispered in Jungkook's ear, "On our next date, you can hold my hand."

Jungkook's heart started beating faster, tingles running down his spine at the gesture. He managed to nod, watching Taehyung enter the building after waving at him.

"Calm down, you." Jungkook placed a hand on his heart, standing there, blushing.


1. 12. 2023

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