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I had just gotten off the flight and stepped outside the airport in Paris, France. The Charles de Gaulle airport was beautiful. It was amazing to get to see it in this life up close and in person. I knew I would like it here. A black limo pulled up in front of me. I smiled as Adrien Agreste stepped out with his father Gabriel Agreste. Adrien smiled at me. I could tell though that his heart wasn't in it though. I walked up to him and hugged him.

"It's nice to see you again, Adrien." I looked at Gabriel.

He looked disinterested. I gave him the coldest glare I could. I saw his eyebrow twitch. I put a smile back on my face and pulled away from Adrien.

"It's nice to see you as well, Mr. Agreste. Thank you for letting me stay in your home for the duration of my stay." I gave him a respectful smile.

I lifted up my bags, "please show me to the trunk so that I may put my belongings in."

I could see the hatred beneath Gabriel's outer shell. The face he wore to distance himself from everyone after his wife passed. Adrien's bodyguard opened the trunk. He tried to take my bags. I smiled and shook my head.

"No thank you, Placide," he looked surprised, "they aren't that heavy. Thank you for offering to help me though."

I stepped back. He closed the trunk. I looked behind me. Gabriel and Adrien were already in the limo. I turned back to Placide. He was standing with the rear door of the limo open. I walked up and smiled at him again.

"Thank you." I saw the red tinge in his cheeks.

I climbed in and he closed the door. I looked at Adrien. My smile vanished. He was so afraid to speak. To ask his father for anything. He was so strong for one so young. A flash of Cat Blanc reared its ugly head. I turned to Gabriel.

"So," the limo began moving, "will Adrien be attending public school with me?"

I could see the surprised look on Adrien's face from the corner of my eye. Gabriel had a blank mask on.

"No," I held up my hand, "I'm sorry. Maybe I should've worded that differently. I believe it is in his best interest and yours that he attends public school with me. He will be with kids his own age. I can be there to ensure he doesn't get into to much trouble, but as extra protection as well, Mr. Agreste."

I smiled at him. I didn't want to give him the chance to say no. I glanced at Adrien. The look of defeat was enough to break my heart. I turned back to Gabriel.

"I am proficient in self defense and protecting others. I have been in Karate and Tae Kwon Do for as long as I can remember. I will be his extra security while attending school. I swear. I have stipulations though," Gabriel raised his eyebrow, "birthdays parties are a yes, and he must be allowed to be involved in school activities and after school hang outs. Those aren't up for discussion."

Gabriel looked unimpressed, "Elizabeth."

He quit speaking. I met his eyes head on. I wouldn't give up on this. I didn't give in. I wouldn't look away. I wouldn't budge for Adriens sake. Gabriel sighed in defeat.

"Fine, but if anything happens then I will put a stop to it," I frowned, "no."

I heard Adrien gasp. The car came to a stop. I turned to Adrien.

"Can you step outside for a moment, Adrien? We'll be right out." He looked unsure.

I placed a hand on his knee,"it's okay, Adrien. Just go with Placide to the house. I'll be there with your father shortly."

I smiled. He looked scared, but he nodded and got out. Once the door was closed I had my hands on Gabriels suit. He looked surprised.

"I have one reason why you will agree to my terms. Two reasons really. One being what you've done with Emilie's body," he looked surprised, "second is because I know. I know your Hawk Moth. Do we have a deal, yes or no?"

His mask vanished. I grinned.

"Good. That's good. That means I'm right about your true colors. About the fact your concern for Adrien is almost nonexistent. You are a pathetic shitty father. Now agree to my terms or I spill the beans. Not to your son though. I think the authorities would be very interested in Hawkmoths identity. Don't you agree?" The color drained from his face.

"What's stopping you," I gripped his shirt tighter, "he's lost one parent. Do you really think I want him to lose another?"

I saw his brow twitch, "fine. You win."

I got off of him.


I moved to the door. I stopped and looked back at Gabriel. I felt pity for him.

"I know you miss Emilie. I know your pain, Gabriel, but Adrien should come first. Not reviving a dead person no matter how much you miss them." I stepped out of the limo.

I shut the door behind me and grabbed my things from the trunk. I looked up at the Agreste mansion. Nothing good awaited me in Paris. I wouldn't sit idly by while I was here. I would be a silent force. I would help out Marinette and Adrien. I would help Ladybug and Cat Noir. I wouldn't let Gabriel Agreste get his hands on the rest of the miraculous.

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