Party Preparations

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It was my birthday today. I was concerned about having a party today. Elizabeth and I were eating breakfast together before school.

"Are you excited for today, Adrien? You are going to have the best party ever." I looked down at my plate.

I saw movement beside me, "Adrien?"

I looked over and Elizabeth was kneeling next to me. Her face was like an open book. She was so worried about me.

"What's wrong?" I felt like I wanted to cry.

I didn't know why. I should be happy about the fact I get to have a party, but I felt like something would happen and my father would cancel it. Her arms were around me and she kissed the top of my head.

"You will have a birthday party today. I promise, Adrien." I couldn't respond.

I felt safe and loved in her arms. I didn't know why. It was so different, but I felt allowed to be me. I felt like I could do whatever I wanted and say screw the world. Elizabeth pulled back and cradled my face in her hands. I looked up at her. Her thumbs began stroking my cheeks with her thumbs. I realized I was crying. She looked so angry, but I knew it wasn't at me. She was mad at my father.

"You are a spectacular, special young man. You deserve to be happy and have the birthday party you want to have. You can cry, Adrien. You've been through so much." The tears just fell.

She pulled me into a hug again. I couldn't hold back my tears. Moments later I heard my father call my name. I ignored him.


I turned my head as I saw Gabriel coming down the stairs. I glared at him. He seemed surprised yet again by the amount of hatred in my gaze, but also because his son was crying in my arms.

"We plan on having a party here for Adrien after school today, may I have Natalie get the supplies we need today?" He looked angry and ready to say no.

I gave him the look. The one I gave him when I confronted him about being HawkMoth. His lips pressed together and a scowl appeared on his face. I could see the gears turning in his head. Adrien tried to pull away. I didn't let him. I glanced at Adrien and then back at Gabriel. He looked furious. Then he was smart enough to compose himself.

"Very well, but Natalie and Adriens other bodyguard must be present. You must be at his side at all times." I nodded.

"I understand, Mr. Agreste. You have my word I will keep him safe." He nodded and turned away.

The moment he was out of sight I sighed with relief. I finally loosened my grip on Adrien. He looked up at me. I saw a light in his eyes that warmed my heart.

"Thank you, Liz. Thank you so much." I smiled at him.

"My pleasure, Adrien." Making your teenage life a little easier is my job.

Natalie came in with a tablet. She handed it to me. I frowned and looked it over.

"This is Adrien's schedule. His evening is free." I frowned at her.

She wasn't going to like what I was about to say.

"We will have Adrien's party at the Place des Vosges. We will need a table and food and refreshments. Not fancy ones either. I'll make a list. Please do a black table cloth with a green runner for the table. Everything else I will discuss with our classmates," I handed the tablet back to Natalie, "send his schedule to me via email."

I turned away from her and smiled down at Adrien.

"Are you ready for school?" He looked shocked.

"Why those colors for the table cloth?" I acted as though I had no idea what he was talking about. It was hard enough with him knowing about me and Gem.

"The colors go well together." I smiled at him.

He looked relieved, "oh okay."

"Come on, let's go to school." I grabbed my bag from the floor and walked away.

I saw a flash of black. I shook my head and smiled as I felt Gem in my pocket. Plagg wasn't always good at hiding.

"That was close, Elizabeth." I shook my head.

"It's okay," I whispered, climbing in the car, "I know what I'm doing Gem."

Gem looked unsure, but nodded. She hid when Adrien opened the door. He had a huge grin on his face. I looked out the window as we headed for school.

Please let today be a good day for him.

Throughout the day I made plans. I pulled Marinette aside at lunch and made plans with her for a birthday banner. I also left school at lunch and went to the bakery. I walked in and was welcomed by Marinette's mom.

"Welcome, is there something I can do for you?" I smiled at her.

"Could I order a simple chocolate cake with raspberry filling. White frosting with Happy Birthday Adrien written on it in black and green letters? Oh and two orders of your macarons?" She smiled at me.

"We could do that," yes, "could you have it finished right after school. Say about four o' clock?"

She looked at something on the counter then looked back up at me, "we can do that."

I jumped up and down, "thank you, thank you, thank you. This is so important to him. How much is it?"

"$100." I smiled at her.

I ran my card, I got her copy of the receipt for a tip. I added five hundred dollars as a tip. I handed it to Sabine. She gasped in surprise.

"I can't accept that as a tip." I shook my head.

"Yes you can. You're doing this on such short notice, and this is really important to me. It's his first birthday party he's actually been able to have since his mother disappeared. So please, just take it." She looked alarmed.

"You're crying." I touched my face and sure enough there were tears.

"I'm okay. I'm sorry. I just, it's been hard for him since his mother has been gone. I care about Adrien a lot. So I'm willing to spend a little extra even if it seems like it's too much." I bit my lip as thoughts of my brothers and sisters from my past life came to mind.

I shook the thoughts away. Then I was enveloped in Sabine's arms. I bit my lip. I needed to get back to school. I needed to pull myself together. I took a deep breath and pulled away. I smiled at her.

"Thank you, Mrs. Dupain-Cheng. I'm sorry I started crying. I have a lot of family that I missed a lot of their life. I missed a lot of birthdays and holidays. So it's important that Adriens goes okay." She nodded her head.

"I understand, and please just call me Sabine. We will make sure it is done." I hugged her.

"Thank you, Sabine. I'll be here to pick it up after school." I rushed out of the bakery and back to school.

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