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After the party was over we helped clean up and made sure to send snacks home with everyone. After we got everything cleaned up and everyone had left it was just barely turning dark by the time we climbed into the limousine. I sighed as I laid my head against the seat. I yawned, exhausted from the days events.

"Elizabeth," I turned my head and looked at Adrien, "how did you keep yourself from getting akumatized?"

I sat up and turned to him.

"I thought of you. I thought of how it was your first birthday party in a long time. I thought of how I wasn't going to let HawkMoth ruin your birthday for you," I smiled at him, "I may be your bodyguard, but I'm also your friend. I care about you a lot. I just thought of you. I know that's probably a little strange, but it was either that or let myself be taken over by the anger that I felt towards Natalie and your dad. That anger went away with the thought of ruining your birthday. I wasn't going to let that happen. Birthdays are an important part of growing up. Being able to celebrate your birthdays is something that you shouldn't have to miss out on."

I looked down at my hands. I needed to be more careful. I have a powerful Kwami and if anyone knew what Gem could do this world could be destroyed faster than I could fix it. That's why I asked Chat not to tell Ladybug. I suddenly found myself wrapped in a hug.

"Thank you for today, Elizabeth." I smiled, leaning my head against his.

You're welcome, Adrien.

After we arrived at his home we went inside and both went to our rooms. I got dressed for bed and then Gem was laying on my bed when I came out of my bathroom.

"Gem?" She looked up at me.

"Yes, Liz? Wanna head out for a bit?" She smiled at me.

"Let's go," I smiled back at her, "Gem, Wings Out!"


I was laying on my bed while Plagg stuffed his face with cheese. I heard a tapping on my window. I looked up and shot out of bed.

"Plagg, hide!" I rushed to the window and opened it.

"Hello, birthday boy," Gimmi smiled at me, "who are you?"

Her blue eyes glanced at something behind me and then back at me.

"I'm Gimmi. A new superhero, but also a fan. I heard it was your birthday today and wanted to stop by. I heard you had a wonderful party in the park today. I just wanted to swing by and wish you a happy birthday. I hope that's alright." I smiled up at her.

"Thank you for that, Gimmi. I don't mind at all. So is that all or was there something else," she shook her head, "what do you want for your birthday?"

I frowned, "you're not planning on kidnapping me are you, Bug?"

She laughed, "No! I wanted to give you one last present tonight. Is there anything you want?"

I glanced back at my computer. I saw the picture of my mother and I. I missed her so much. She always used to sing to me. No one had sung to me in a long time. I looked back up at Gimmi.

"Will you sing me a lullaby? Any lullaby works." She looked surprised.

"Do you want to record it so you have it to listen to after tonight?" I nodded.

She smiled at me and jumped in through my window landing in front of me.

"Did you have a good party today," I nodded, "I did. I was lucky to get to have one."

"Why," she looked confused, "why wouldn't you get to have one?"

I looked down, "my dad."

"Well I'm glad that you got to have one. Everyone deserves to celebrate their birthday," she tapped her chin deep in thought, "okay. I have the song in mind."

I pulled out my phone and started recording.

Once Upon A December from the movie Anastasia(I sang this all the time to my siblings and my daughter when they were babies.)

I was amazed and entranced by the sound of her voice. I had never heard that lullaby before. When she was finished she turned towards me and looked instantly worried.

"Adrien, are you okay? You're crying?" She reached a hand up and cradled my face.

I sighed letting my face rest against her hand. She moved closer and pulled me into a hug.

"I'm glad you got to celebrate your birthday. I have to leave, but I won't be hard to find if you ever need me. I patrol nightly around ten, okay?" She pulled away and smiled at me.

"How should I let you know I want you to visit?" She glanced at my windows.

She turned back to me and smiled, "just leave two windows open. One will be just because you want it open, two will mean you want me to stop by."

I saw Plagg appear behind Gimmi. He shook his head no, but I nodded.

"That would be great. Thank you so much, Gimmi." She nodded and stood up.

"I'll see you around, stay safe okay?" She waved and jumped out my window.

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