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Adrien and I were on our way to school. I was kind of excited about how the school would be different from that in the states. We pulled up and the screen in front of Adrien turned on.

"Have a good day, Adrien. Have a good day as well, Elizabeth." I smiled kindly at Gabriel.

His screen went black. I placed my hand on Adriens shoulder.

"Are you okay," Adrien smiled, "I'm alright, Elizabeth. Are you ready for the day?"

I smiled at him, "I'm as ready as I'll ever be. Let's go."

He opened the door and climbed out. I followed behind him.

"ADRIKINS!" I saw a flash of yellow.

I heard a yelp and a thud. I saw Marinette Dupain-Cheng on the ground. I walked past Chloe and knelt down next to Marinette.

"Are you alright," the blue-haired girl looked surprised, "I'm fine. Super fine, yup!"

She shot up only to almost stumble and fall again. I shot up and steadied her.

"Take it easy. It's nice to meet you. My name's Elizabeth, but my friends call me Lizzi. You are?" I smiled at her.

"She's not worth your time. She is such a loser and a cluts." I turned towards Chloe.

I saw a surprised look on his face. I stepped towards Chloe. Man Chloe just didn't know when to shut up.

"I'm sorry, did you just tell me a person isn't worth my time? I think if anyone in this school isn't worth my time, it's you Chloe Bourgeois," she looked surprised, "that's right. I remember you. I don't know what changed or who hurt you, but being mean to others isn't going to help. So take your attitude and shove it Chloe. You're nothing but a bully and I could care less for your attitude."

I turned back to Marinette. She looked surprised. I smiled at her.

"Anyway as I was," I saw an old man watching us.

It was Master Fu. I smiled and focused on Marinette.

"I have to go, but it was really nice to meet you, Marinette," I leaned forward greeting her the way people do in France and walked inside the school.

It was amazing seeing the school in real life. It was exactly like it was depicted in the show. I smiled. I would like this place. Adrien came up to me.

"Are you ready for classes?" I smiled at him.

"Lead the way, Adrien." He smiled at me.

I followed behind him as he led me to our first class. The day went by far faster than I expected. It was relatively easy and laid back. At the end of the school day Adrien and Marinette were already outside. I saw Nadia walking with her daughter Minon. I made it to the bottom of the stairs when I heard a screech. My head turned and a car was headed straight for them. I dashed to them. I had Minon in my arms and body slammed Nadia. We landed on the pavement just as the car hit the pole they had been next to. My arm was scraped.

"Elizabeth!" I looked up to see Adrien running towards us.

I sat up and cringed. My left arm was scraped from protecting Nadia from the concrete. Minon was crying. I gave her to her mom. Adrien was beside me.

"Are you okay, Elizabeth? You're not hurt anywhere are you?" He was so worried.

I smiled at him, "just a little scrape. I'm okay."

"Thank you so much. You saved my daughter and I." I turned to Nadia.

"I'm just glad I moved fast enough and that everyone is okay." Nadia gasped.

"You're arm." I shook my head.

"It's okay. I have a first aid kit in my bag. It just needs to be cleaned." Then I heard sirens.

Damn, now I'll be looked at by paramedics. This wasn't how I wanted my first day to go.

I started to glance at the car when I saw Master Fu across the street. He was staring right at me. I shook my head. He looked surprised.

"Are you okay, Lizzi?" I turned my attention back to Adrien.

My eyes widened. He had tears in his eyes. I pulled him into a hug with my uninjured arm.

"I'm okay, Adrien. It just stings a little. I'm not going anywhere. I promise." I felt bad.

He had lost his mother and his father in one fell swoop. Of course he would cry at the idea of almost losing me. Paramedics were next to us.

"Is he okay?" I nodded.

"It's just my arm. I have abrasions from the cement. He is just worried about me. It was scary," I held my left arm out, "my arm just needs to be disinfected and cleaned. Please make sure the woman and her daughter are okay, first."

"I'll check them. Let's get your arm taken care of." I nodded.

They sprayed antiseptic on the wound. It stung so bad. I grit my teeth. I hated that my pain tolerance was still very low in this world as it was in my last life.

"Elizabeth?" I looked at Adrien.

He was on his knees in front of me and Placide was standing behind him. He didn't speak, but I could see the worry on his face.

"I'm okay. It just stings a little," I turned to the paramedic as he put the gauze on my arm, "am I good to go?"

The paramedic nodded, "keep it clean and dry. Change it every three hours."

I nodded and stood up. Adrien still looked worried. I could see the fear in his green eyes. I took his left hand in my right hand.

"I'm okay, Adrien. Let's go home." I pulled him towards the limo.

"Excuse me, miss," I turned to see an officer, "I need your statement."

"Could you give me your email? I'll send it to you on the way to the Agreste Mansion. Is that alright?" The officer nodded.

I stood up with Adriens help. We got into the car. I quickly typed out my statement and sent it to the email provided on the card. I sighed and relaxed against the seat.

"Elizabeth?" I turned to look at Adrien.

"Are you okay?" I smiled at him.

"I'm okay, Adrien. I promise." He nodded and glanced at my arm.

"Hey," he looked up at me, "I'm okay. Adrien, this is a little wound compared to what could've happened to that woman and her daughter. I'd rather get scraped up then have them get hit. I knew I could get to them. It's part of my training. I am your friend, but I have been training myself to keep myself safe. So in turn I can be your bodyguard so you can go to school. I will never not help others when I see that they need help. That includes people I don't even know. Okay?"

I smiled at him and pulled him into a hug. I knew what he was afraid of. He wrapped his arms around me. I felt his tears against my shoulder. I hated Gabriel for treating him this way.

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