⭑Chapter 3 - *Ding*⭑

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A/N I have decided that I really enjoy writing different POVs so I will add both Lewis and Grace's POVs at this time and maybe others at different points in the story to let you know. 

Massa, Italy - 1st December 2022 - Formula Medicine

Honestly, once the Formula 1 season finished work seemed sort of unimportant anymore. As soon as the month of December rolls around work starts to slow down, normally we have plenty of karters and junior drivers here to train but the majority of them have now gone home for Christmas. I don't finish until the 20th because there are still going to be people here and even if there isn't a huge amount to help and work with there is always work to do even if it is the dreaded admin. Speaking of which I should probably get back to the large amount of admin I am doing, or should be doing. Sorting out some cases and looking at candidates for next year's training camps, as well as looking at what we are going to need for next year, is boring stuff really. We are having some large karting boot camps next year to prepare those karters in their pre-season which means a lot of work. Kids are so frustrating to help out because they just don't understand things and can be dicks a lot of the time. I prefer to work with adults who are just a bit more understanding but it can be a bit intimidating and I have found that adults are much more stubborn than kids when it comes to things like injuries. I realise that my thoughts have started to consume me which honestly isn't a bad thing, I pick up my phone to check the time and see that it is almost lunch yay. 

I pack up the documents and order forms that I have grabbed to do my admin (ugh), and return them to the draws that I took them from in the first place. It only takes me about two minutes to get up to the staff room and to the fridge to collect the lunch I had packed for myself this morning before I left for work. Praying that no one has been an absolute twat and stolen my lunch which has happened before with the interns who trust me didn't stick around for very long. I open the fridge and find that my chicken salad, with avocado, is still alive meaning I can devour it, joyfully. I take a wee wander outside to the grass areas making the call to brave the chilly breeze for the benefit of fresh air to find three of my best work-mates all out having lunch as well, wow today must have been slow. As I approach the table Camille, Hunter, and Emilia greet and I take my seat and the picnic table ready to be social. Like every day we catch up on the latest gossip in our lives and discuss our plans for the holidays and most importantly the new details in Emilia's ever-evolving love life. *Ding*, oh, my phone, I debate not opening it for now because I am eating lunch with my friends but something in me is pushing me to pick back up the phone and just have a look at the notification.

Instagram - lewishamilton liked your post.

Huh, I read it again, and again. Lewis fucking Hamilton, seven-time world champion, 103 race wins, 104 race poles, and the absolute GOAT of Formula 1, LIKED MY INSTAGRAM POST. My photo dump from just this morning has just been liked by SIR LEWIS HAMILTON AHHHHHHHHHHHH. I am literally giggling, kicking my legs, and SCREAMING internally, but only internally. I realised this when everyone at the table starts to look at me like I am a crazy person or I have just stabbed a dog or something. I stopped talking mid-sentence to look at this notification and I look like I have just found a tree that grows money (please, happen eventually). "WHAT, tell us" Hunter finally says, "Uhm so The Lewis Hamilton just liked my photo dump from Abu Dhabi." This is then followed by a series of 'what' 'omg' and 'no', which is what I am feeling inside. I mean it isn't that big of a deal, Lewis is just another person who I have literally seen in person and talked to a little bit, I mean a week ago I was having lunch with his physio. It shouldn't be that wild or that crazy, I also shouldn't even be surprised. But still, it has got to be the best part of my day, scratch that the week. I am excited though because maybe having these sorts of connections within the motorsport world might help in the future to secure my dream job. 

Lights Out - F1 LifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora