⭑Chapter 8 - Now, boarding⭑

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A/N This is sort of like the airport part of Grace's travels. Also wanted to let you guys know that I won't really be updating near as often for the next week or so because I am away for a big athletics competition and will be very busy.  But will try and just do short chapters.

Rome, Italy - 2nd January 2023 - Grace's car/Airport

Grace Jones POV

I am an extrovert 100%, but at times I find myself being introverted and just wanting time alone. I guess that is why I have loved these last three and a bit hours in my car, singing to my music when they are hype songs but in the more quiet songs, I have time to think. For sure, there has been a lot on my mind in these last few weeks. I mean the shit I have going on in my family is already a lot to think about, when you add that with work and the travel which comes with it it can be a lot. I mean work is soooooo fun and I really love being at Formula 1 race weekends working, but also with this new opportunity that could turn into my dream job that is taking up a lot of my brain power. I am excited and nervous, but also confident that I can do this job amazingly and more so that I will get the job. I feel like a Formula 1 driver when they get asked if they think they are the best driver on the grid and all of them say 'yes I am the best'. I DO believe that I am the best option for this job and I haven't even met anyone else going for it. 

From my four hour drive I only have about half an hour left before I arrive at the airport I am flying to London, Heathrow from. I love Rome but I think the outskirts are much nicer, that is where I am now. Driving in my swift along the roads of the countryside of Rome slowly getting closer and closer to the busy centre of the city. It seems so strange that I am going to the airport to go to Brackley, I mean I have to do some other stuff as well like catch up with old friends but the nerves are starting to set in for the 5th when I spend the day at the Mercedes Factory. Though I do think that nerves are important in a situation like this, it means that I care about this opportunity and my future. I already know I care but nerves are still important I just can't be petrified when I get to Brackley that might be a little bit important. 

The centre of Rome is absolutely beautiful. Whenever I am in need of a weekend away just by myself or with some friends for a girls weekend or something like that, Rome is such a hotspot. The normal tourist destinations like the Travali fountain and the Spanish Steps are always nice but living in Italy you learn about the local spots, which are just as equally beautiful. Unfortunately, today there isn't an opportunity to look around the city, it is also like 8 pm so there are great places but soon things will start to shut, I also have a flight in an hour and a half so that doesn't leave any time for anything but the airport. 

I pull into the carpark at the airport in Rome and get my ticket to park and leave my car here for the next week whilst I am in England. I scan all of my surroundings to try and remember where I have parked my car because I really don't want to forget and spend an hour searching for my car when I get home in a week from now. 

I walk into the from doors of the airport as they automatically open. The first thing I need to do is to do and check in my bags and get my information for the rental car I will pick up when I get to England. Once I have done all of that I will maybe get some more food and sit down for a bit, check emails that sort of thing.

I find I spot on one of the rows of chairs by the departure gates, and most importantly close to mine just in case I get distracted, as I seriously don't want to have to be running to my gate. I hate being late to things it is one of my pet peeves, but I also find it so embarrassing to just show up late.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2023 ⏰

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