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To say he was overwhelmed was an understatement.

For context: Floyd had gone unconscious due to an abduction, the little fruit house that he was living in was torn apart by two humans.

As of right now, he was trying to balance himself on the bouncing diamond prison; albeit getting thrown a few inches in the air, he pushed his limbs to the wall of the jail, attempting to stabilize himself and stop his body from bouncing all over the place.

The place was anything but what he was used to.

Bright lights and colors were all around the place, it was either floating or was oscillating at an inhumane speed. It was almost deafening, sounds of base and drums were coming from everywhere, every sharp turn the vehicle he resided in took was a new track of a messy but catchy tune.

He felt the vehicle come to a stop.

He opened his eyes to see a sky abundant of neon colors and futuristic appliances. The road was like a funky red ribbon, full of wiggly turns.

Just as he was viewing the place, he felt something block his source of light. A pale, white hand handheld the bottle he was in, taking off inside a mysterious room with him taken against his will.

The corridors were dark, the only source of light was the light seeping out of the rooms the hall had. Floyd was anxious, he couldn't do anything as they held the bottle like a ragdoll. His captors were silent, a little too silent, they never made any noise other than the occasional mumbling to each other. Despite being an arm's length, he couldn't decipher what they were saying.

Finally, they halt to a stop, opening the door by holding a rectangular mirror beside it. Out comes fog from the room, making the situation more terrifying that it already is.

The diamond clanked as it was thrown on a marble surface, blocking out any noise; once it settled was the only time that he finally could hear something else other than diamond to hard surface collision. Floyd heard rummaging, he couldn't exactly pinpoint what it was but there were a lot of objects that were getting thrown to the floor.

His heart skipped a beat when the room lit up.

The walls were dull, though quite interesting in a way. Floyd realized that he was ontop of a desk, placed along some miscellaneous. Though the room wasn't the most interesting thing, it was his captors.

Like his assumption, they had skin as pale as bone, but their hair was neon green, the strands of hair on their head are thick, kind of like a noodle. He could only stare in surprise.

"You think we should introduce him to the other one?"

"Nonsense, they'll just cause a scene, we can't have two trolls begging for mercy coming from our room."

Their little interaction confused him, though he quickly brushed it off, prioritizing his wellbeing.

"Who are you people?! Why-why did you put me here!" Floyd demanded an answer, though his voice failed to show his intensity in the situation. The boy cooed an 'aww', seemingly awed by his threat.

"Aw Velvet look at the little guy, hes like a cute pocket emo" he continued, twiddling his hands about. The girl scoffed at his antics, then turned his attention to their victim.

"Hello, Floyd." She spoke rather smugly, her hand placed on top of the desk's surface."How do you know me?" Floyd questioned, his brows furrowing. The whole situation baffled him, he didn't know why a pair of teenagers would hold him captive, let alone them knowing who he was.

"Well Crimp researched-" the boy started but was quickly cut off by Velvet by putting a hand onto his whole face. "What my brother was trying to say is-" she overlapped his answer, sending a glare to her brother's way "-we know you from the boy band 'brozone'!" she clasped her hands together with a smile, a sickeningly sweet tone lacing her voice.

"And since the band broke up.. we were inspired by you.. so we planned to put your talent to good use!" She stated enthusiastically, putting a perfume lid onto the bottle Floyd was in, following it with a little spray.

Floyd felt as if something was sucking the soul out of him, his heart tugged and his adrenaline rushed. He gasped for air, heartbeat going a mile per second. He fell on his knees, looking at himself on the reflection of the diamond with widened eyes.

Floyd's vision flickered, what just happened? What was that feeling? His mouth felt dry, hoarse even, he doesn't know why. The strings of unfortunate events overwhelmed him, strong enough that it might make him pass out.

Meanwhile, Velvet felt ecstatic, the aroma of honeydew rushing through her. She gave herself a test run, singing a tune.

"Somehow this troll is much better than the old one, ugh, that troll was horrible." Velvet smirked at her brother, Veneer only gave a downward smile, looking at his sister nervously. "Psh yeah! They were horribblee~!" He chuckled, giving a sympathetic glare to the side.

"Now let's go! our fans are waiting" Velvet turned around and strutted to the exit, Veneer followed suit, but not before giving Floyd one last look, leaving him in the almost empty room.




Floyd leaned onto the wall, trying to return the air into his lungs. He looked around tiredly, taking in the moment. He was held captive, no one knows he was kidnapped other than him and his captors, for that he was terrified, terrified that he will be here until the end of his time, or until they haven't sucked out every bit of his soul out of his body. Floyd let out a solemn sigh, trying to calm himself out. He held his chest while he slid down the slanted surface.

With his energy partially back, he stood up. With a boost of his adrenaline coming back to him, he punched the walls of his prison. He punched the walls till his arms were sore, though even his strongest punches couldn't even get a crack. Floyd panted heavily, but he wasn't going to give up yet.
"okay.. I'm trapped in an impenetrable fortress, probably have no other escape other than the giants getting me out or..." Floyd monologued, till his thoughts went to his family

"My brothers... the perfect family harmony-!" His eyes lit up, though it ended as quick as it came. Floyd's ears slumped, and so did his body.

His thoughts went to his youngest brother, Branch. He was probably so grown now, probably with a cool hairstyle too, though his accusations remain a mystery for he hasn't seen him since he left him.

Staring at the slightly open door, he mentally apologized to his brothers of his absence, especially to his little brother Branch.


Omg I can't believe I made this..

HI WHAT'S UP HELLO ITS THE AUTHOR! It took all of my courage to actually say 'fuck it im making a fanfic of this man' omfg he might be my worst hear me out character yet😭

Hope you like this fanfic because I am fucking serious about this one and I am planning to actually finish this (thats saying something)

Reader will be introduced in the next one or two chapters, so don't worry y'all's pretty little heads off :3

the reader will be gender neutral so like ya anyway have a nice day or night!

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