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                Floyd was bouncing like a ball, stored in what he could only assume was a bag; His prison clanked because of the amount of materials the bag had along with the diamond chamber that kept him in. He hasn't seen the light of day for quite a while, and it's starting to take a toll on him.

Quite rarely were the times the twins dropped by the room he was put in, it piqued his curiosity and fear. Oftentimes he conspires on how to leave the room, try to find someone that could break him out, and reunite with his brothers. He has tried, but has ultimately failed; seeing as the corridors seem long abandoned, he would have too much trouble escaping the twins.

They were walking, whoever was holding the bag that he was stored in was strutting too hard. He couldn't see, he couldn't hear anything other than the loud voices of the rising popstars Velvet and Veneer.

The surface of the diamond felt overbearing, and the humidity was no help either. He kept nearing the middle of the dome, shying away from any more contact from the diamond.

For some reason, small rays of light seem to seep through the bag. He could've admired and reminisced his halcyon ages from how nostalgic it was under different circumstances, though the colorful lights just made him feel ill. The lights flickered to multiple colors while Floyd felt his captors slow their walking.

Mumbling, that's all he heard. He was starting to get quite bored, but all his thoughts went down the drain when he heard a familiar click of a door.

Quite harshly, he was picked up like a claw machine.

After being in the bag and mostly seeing darkness for 45 minutes, Floyd felt as if his eyes were being personally attacked, considering how bright the room was. He hissed in irritation, holding his hands on his face. Took him a few seconds to recover, but now he had taken a good look at the new environment.

'wow ain't this homey.'

        The walls were a shiny raspberry color, making the main light bounce all over the place. A large painting of the twins together was highly noticeable, and on top of that, finally, they had more room,

not for him though.

The design was.. interesting to say the least, the fact that the walls were shaped almost like the cage he was in made him laugh humorlessly. Hesitantly, Floyd engaged in a conversation with his captors.

"Nice place, did you try to sing your way into getting this?" He chuckled, Velvet only gave him a side eye, her blood already starting to boil from his remark. "Ha! Nice try but we didn't, we used our money to buy this room" Veneer boasted, talking before thinking "Money that you got by using my talent." Floyd countered, he crossed his arms and glared at them, looking like a disappointed parent. Velvet heard the whole conversation and she was getting more irritated by the second, she pushed her brother aside and gave the troll a harsh glare.

She slammed her hands down and hovered over Floyd, a large shadow forming under her and onto him"Listen, troll. You can be as cocky as you want, but you're not getting out of here." She picked up the bottle and shook it around, "be glad we're using your pathetic little life a reason to actually live because not only do you have a meaningless boring life, but you cower onto the idea of returning to your brothers because you are afraid of confrontation."

Floyd was confused, how did she know this? Had they been stalking him? The possible time they spent just watching him do anything and them eyeing him like a hawk made him feel unsafe, his skin crawled, yet Velvet continues. "Aw Floyd, what happened to you? You look different, you were never like this before" Velvet taunted "It's funny really, you might not even FEEL like a family member to them anymore." She shook the container, "you're pathetic." Velvet finished off with a half-lidded glare.

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