Chapter two

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We walked along the corridor of the train, trying to find an empty cabin to situate ourselves in.

By sheer luck, we managed to find one among the crowds of returning students. As we made our way inside, Blaise told me to wait up for him so he could go find his fellow Slytherins. By the sounds of it, Blaise's friends seemed like a pretty tight-knit group, so I told him I didn't want to intrude and to go ahead and sit with them for the ride.

I'm used to being on my own. Making new friends seems more like a chore now after so many failed attempts. I don't see how this time will be different, but I vowed to myself to try. Mum promised me this would be the last school I'd go to until I graduate in a few years.

Although I don't know how much of that she believes herself, after all, she always says that grief still has a hold on her.

A slight breeze that flows into the cabin pulls me from my thoughts. As I looked to the source of the sudden change, I locked eyes with a peculiar-looking girl.

"Hello," she says with a small nod as she sits on the cushioned bench opposite me.

Her voice is thick with an Irish accent, her wavy white-blonde hair cascades over her shoulders as she looks in her bag. She rummages around through her bag until she finds what she is looking for. As she does this, the girl pulls out what looks like glasses. However, they are an unusual shade of pink with swirls of yellow. She raises her head and meets my curious stare.

"There to see the Nargles" she states with a crooked smile that could make anyone melt.

"Nargles?" I reiterate.

"Yes! They're strange little creatures, I suspect they took my scarf. It's mysteriously disappeared from my bag" she says, peering around our cabin.

"Suppose they're the ones to blame then for the times my socks went missing" I chuckle.

She huffs out quite a laugh, lifting her glasses atop her head.

"Have you noticed the fascinating patterns in the clouds today? Do you ever wonder if they might be hiding a magical creature, perhaps a colony of Crumple-horned Snorkacks? I once had a delightful conversation with one. Or at least I think I did" she explains softly.

"I haven't really thought of it if I'm being honest, but I'll be sure to consider it in the future" I reply. She's a strange girl, but it's always the strangest people who end up being the most interesting and if I were being honest, it was a breath of fresh air speaking to someone so free.

"You're not like the rest of them, you know?"

She manages to cut through my wandering mind, surprising me with her quick analysis.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Most people who are friends with Slytherins, especially Malfoy and Riddle's group, are quick to dismiss others. Particularly people like me. Not that I mind, of course. It gives me peace to not be surrounded by them" she explains.

I never thought Blaise would associated with the source of fear among classmates. Even if it is just his friends, it's very different from the caring and protective boy I grew up with.

"I'm glad that I'm different than what you expected. If I'm being honest, you're probably the most interesting person I've spoken to in years, which I appreciate. My name is Sloane, by the way"

"Oh! I'm Luna Lovegood, although you might hear people call me Loony as well"

The train ride with Luna begins to pass fairly quickly. She tells me more about her father and the magazine they created about all the mystical creatures that are less popular than the typical Hippogriff.

After an hour passes, there is a knock on the cabin door. 

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