Chapter Six

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Relief floods my senses.

I swallow the lump in my throat and take a deep breath.

The eruption of cheers from the Slytherin table is nothing compared to the singular boy standing up from where the group was sitting, cheering with all his might.

He looks like a proud quidditch mum, and I just found the snitch.

I stand on shaky legs. Regaining their steadiness, the Professor's wand flicks in her grasp, allowing my black and grey robes to come to life with the new-found colouring of deep green.

After thanking McGonagall, I make my way over to Blaise, doing little to hide the joyous smile that graces my face.

Blaise doesn't give me a second to breathe before he wraps his arms around me, and spins around.

"What did I tell you, Brooksy, when am I ever wrong?" He chuckles, the sound echoing in my chest from the hug.

I open my mouth to retort to him, but before I can, he pulls me out of the hug, cutting me off with a stern glare.

"Don't answer that, it was rhetorical" His smile soon reappears as we both sit down on the solid wood benches of the Slytherin house.

Warm smiles greet me from Lorenzo and Daphne, whilst Malfoy and Pansy have broken off into their separate hushed discussion filled with tension. The Riddle spawn, however, seems to have his sole attention trained on me and my every move.

"Green suits you"

I look up to meet Riddle's flecked brown eyes. His gaze swarming with an emotion I can't quite gauge.

The comment seems to draw Malfoy's attention back towards the group, tension evident in his stature.

Dumbfounded. It seems that words escape me. With no verbal comeback to what he has just said.

A sly smirk makes its way to his face after sensing my speechlessness. He's toying with me, and if I weren't still recovering from the compliment, then I would've likely hit him across the head.

"What? It brings out your eyes quite nicely"

Blaise quietly chuckles next to me, doing nothing to help me in this situation. Malfoy seems to find amusement in my struggling

"Leave her alone, Matteo. Let her breath for Merlin's sake. Don't be an arse"

Daphne, my saviour.

"Yes, well I never thought yellow suited me, so green was the best alternative I fear"

Thank Merlin. Finally, words find their way back to me. Riddle seems to be the only one to leave me scrambling to find words to fuel our verbal spars. I make eye contact with Malfoy across the table, his storm cloud eyes swimming with approval in my response.


The small sound seems to cut straight through the Great Hall, silencing everyone in an instant.

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore.

The greatest wizard of our age. One who has achieved things others could only dream of.

As he begins his speech, I look down at the others at the table, and every Slytherin seems to give Dumbledore their full attention. Well, all except Malfoy and Riddle. Their attention seems to be trained on me rather than the Headmaster.

I ignore their lingering stares and direct my full attention to Dumbledore.

" Well now that we're all settled in and sorted, I'd like to make an announcement. This castle will not only be your home this year but home to some very special guests as well. You see, Hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event: The Triwizard Tournament."

No normal school year for me, I suppose. My first year at Hogwarts is going to be an interesting endeavour, to say the least. Dumbledore continues with his speech.

"Now, for those of you who do not know, the Triwizard Tournament brings together three schools for a series of magical contests. From each school, a single student is selected to compete. Now, let me be clear! If chosen, you stand alone and trust me when I say, these contests are not for the faint-hearted."

As his speech concludes, he announces that the tournament has officially begun and introduces the challenging schools. Durmstrang and Beauxbatons.

Beauxbatons. My beautiful old school. A reminder of when things were simple in my life. My heart pounds in my chest, anticipation to see my old classmates who hold a special place in my heart, even after all these years.

Beauxbaton gracefully enters first, and my heart skips a beat, sitting up straighter in my chair as though I can reach out to them.

I spot Valerie first among the group. My beautiful Valerie hasn't changed in the years since I've seen her. Still adorning her stunning smile that puts all the boys into a trance with her long golden blonde hair and shining blue eyes.

Her eyes meet mine by luck.

Her smile drops for a second. An expression of disbelief climbs its way to her face before utter excitement replaces it.

I know my face mimics hers from my seat.

I also know that everyone sitting at the table has noted my reaction to seeing the French school enter into the hall, but it's the least of my worries now. My Valerie is standing in the same room as me after all these years.

The introductions drone on. Durmstrang entered, but it was white noise to me. I needed to see Valerie.

Finally, as if whatever higher power was pitying me at this moment, Dumbledore allows the new arrivals to situate themselves with the Hogwarts students.

Valerie, never the one for ladylike decorum, breaks all the rules drilled into her at Beauxbatons and breaks away from the group in a run towards me. Rushing to meet her, I only have time to quickly find my way to my feet and out of my seat before she pounces me into a hug.

And for the first time in months, I feel safe, and a real smile breaks its way onto my face.

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