Chapter Eleven

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Although some may call me a public hazard when I walk into the castle. Dancing, however, has always been my strong suit.

Drilled into me from Beauxbatons, dancing was the one freedom we were given with the disciplines. So, when the dancing lessons were announced as compulsory for the Yule Ball, I was one of the ones excited about the sudden change in curriculum.

The only downside, however, is that the Professors believed this would be a good time for both Slytherin and Gryffindor to try and mend the tense relationship.

Clearly, they haven't been walking the halls lately.

Not that I have anything against the Gryffindors. It's just that everyone else in my house seems to hold a vendetta, which will ruin the mood of the dance classes.

We entered our designated classroom, which had been cleared of the desks and chairs and replaced with a large gramophone.

Both houses, without realising, separated to either side of the room.

Slytherins on the left, Gryffindors on the right.

McGonagall and Snape part from their conversation and greet us.

Daphne, Pansy and I stand in the front row and the boys fill in behind us. Whispering about Merlin knows what, clearly not happy about being forced to practice a waltz.

Bittersweet memories flood my thoughts. Visions of my younger self standing on my Father's toes while he leads us in a dance around our living room. My Mum's laugh rings in my ears as McGonagall starts speaking.

"The Yule Ball has been a tradition for the Triwizard Tournament since its inception. On Christmas Eve night, we and our guests gather in the Great Hall for a night of well-mannered frivolity."

"Well-mannered frivolity," Enzo repeats behind me, mocking the Professor speaking. His chuckle was the only sound in the silence.

"Mr Berkshire, do you wish to share? The rest of the student body will surely want to hear the enlightening thoughts you have conjured," Snape's voice holds no humour as he directs his attention solely on the boy behind me.

"No Professor," Enzo grumbles.

"As I was saying, as representatives of the host school, I expect each and every one of you to put your best foot forward, and I mean this literally because the Yule Ball is first and foremost a dance," Professor McGonagall continues.

Everyone perks up at the idea, and whispers erupt. Mostly from the girls in the room.

"Silence. The house of Godric Gryffindor has commanded the respect of the Wizarding World for nearly ten centuries."

Snape coughs, whilst McGonagall peers at the Slytherins in the room

"As well as the house of Salazar Slytherin" She continues, "I will not have you in the course of a single evening besmirching that name by behaving like a babbling, bumbling band of baboons."

McGonagall waves her arms in the air, "Now, to dance is to let the body breathe."

"Inside every girl is a secret slumbering swan, longing to burst off and take flight. Inside every boy is a lordly lion prepared to prance."

"Something's bout to burst out of Raya Cullen, and I don't think it's a swan" Malfoy says clearly not for my ears, I turn my head and glare at him.

He sends a mocking sneer my way.

I scoff as I return my attention to the front.

"Mr Malfoy, would you like to join Professor McGonagall at the front? Surely your enthusiasm will inspire those around you" Snape drawls, beckoning Malfoy to the front with his hand.

I can't help the laugh as it escapes from my lips.

"Place your hand on my waist, Mr Malfoy"

"My what where?" Malfoy sounds utterly shocked.

McGonagall guides Malfoy's stiff hands before sweeping off into a waltz.

"1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3" she repeats as they awkwardly glide together.

"Please, never let him forget this," I whisper to the boys behind me, failing to keep the laugh from my voice.

"Never," they all say in unison.

The pair break apart abruptly, Malfoy wiping his hands down his cloak.

McGonagall claps her hands three times, "Now, partners, everyone. No two from the same house. Branch yourself out, and please do it with decorum" McGonagall says waving her hands towards each side of the room.

"Shove off, Goyle" I hear Malfoy hiss before he gets swallowed up by the sea of emerald and crimson.

Pansy, Daphne and I step forward, huddled together.

"Maybe if we stay this close no one will come up to us" Daphne says.

Pansy steers us away from a lanky, dark-haired boy.

"Uh, stay away, from that one. He's handsy" She whispers with disgust in her eyes.

"Merlin," I say, my eyes widening at Pansy's comment.

"Mm yeah, well Merlin did not help that day, but Theo may or may not sent him on his way to the infirmary hours later, so..."

"That boy is always itching for a fight" Daphne scoffs.

I get cut off from the girls as a burly boy bounds in front of me, sending me knocking into a Gryffindor behind me.

I whip around, an apology already on my lips.

"Hey, Sloane, was it?" Harry's glasses reflect the morning sun coming from the windows.

Well, dodged a jinx there because he doesn't remember our awkward encounter the other day, or is that why he remembers my name?

"Yeah," I answer with a laugh.

"Would you ah... do you want to dance with me? You know since we a-are both from diff-"

"Yeah, Harry. Let's dance" A smile gracing my lips.

The gramophone sputters before music fills the classroom in a typical waltz song.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Dec 05, 2023 ⏰

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