Chapter Nine

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The first class of the year is Potions. Lucky for me, I've always had a knack for them in all my past schools, learning a variety of different techniques from different norms associated with countries.

It also helps that my Father was talented in the department.

As I walk through the door with Daphne, we take a seat on the left-hand side of the dark classroom.

Potions class is timetabled to be with the Gryffindors, which should be interesting considering the rivalry and tension between our two houses. Not to mention Professor Snape, the head of Slytherin with a reputation for disliking Gryffindors, as our Potions Professor.

We are some of the first into the classroom with Snape nowhere to be found. I unpack my satchel filled with various quills, parchment and the required potions textbook without looking up at the other students entering the class.

One person sits down next to me.

The first thing I notice is that instead of the deep emerald green that contrasts my robes, theirs is adorned by a scarlet red. I lift my gaze to take a look at the Gryffindor who has sat down to the right of me on the four-person bench.

The boy has shaggy dark brown hair in need of a haircut paired with forest green eyes with shades of yellow but covered with thick-brimmed circular black glasses.

"Uh... hello?"

As though my attempt to greet him has an ulterior motive, he scans me up and down trying to read if there is any genuineness in my introduction.

"Are you done staring yet? My name's Sloane if you care to know"

"Harry," he responds.

Harry Potter.

His scar is the one feature I failed to note due to his shaggy hair that hangs down to his eyeline.

"Well, nice to make your acquaintance Harry," I attempt to shake his hand at the awkward angle at which we are sitting parallel to each other.

He hesitantly grabs my hand, reciprocating the handshake.

Why on Earth did I shake his hand? I'm not middle-aged. Merlin that's embarrassing.

"You're the new transfer right?" The Gryffindor girl sitting next to him asks.

She has curly brown hair that falls just around her shoulders, with big brown eyes that swim with curiosity and eagerness.

"Uh," I laugh a little, put off by the sudden question, "Yes, that would be me"

"It's a pleasure to meet you! I'm Hermione Granger" She shoots me a welcoming smile.

I was about to reply and ask them about themselves but just as I opened my mouth, Snape walked through the door, robes billowing out behind him.

"This year, by request of the Headmaster, I will be putting you into your partner's to try and minimise the amount of equipment you imbeciles damage" he drawls, tone of voice not moving an octave.

He scans over us all and starts to list off the names as if he'd prefer to be anywhere else than in this classroom. I wait to hear my name be called.

"Brooks and Riddle"


I refuse. There is no way I have been put with Riddle. Out of all the other students in this class, I am put with the one who finds joy in making me squirm.

I meet his stare from across the classroom. A teasing smile makes its way across his face, taunting me from the other side of the room. I roll my eyes and put my attention back to Snape at the front of the room.

"Well, go on then. Move to your partners"

I stay sitting in my chair. Riddle can come over to me, I won't be the one to give in first.

"Sloane" he draws out my name, "Isn't this a fun surprise?"

"Yes, the greatest," My words dripping with sarcasm.

He sits down beside me, replacing where Daphne was to my left.

He turns to look at me, his scars across his face are prominent in this light. One runs down from his right eye starting just below his eyebrow and ending just before his cheekbone, and the other is the one I notice on the train, lying across the bridge of his nose.

I wonder how he got them. All scars, emotional or physical, show someone's story.

I try not to think about it too much. Otherwise, I would be in a worse situation.

He must take pity on me, as we don't talk much the rest of the class. However, I caught his gaze a few times during Snape's lecture about the potion we are to make next class.

The day takes its course. Nothing extraordinary happening that sticks with me. I met all my Professors, besides Defence against the Dark Arts, considering today is my one day without it.

Before we knew it, it was already time for dinner in the Great Hall.

I make eye contact with Val as I enter, she's sitting with the rest of the Beauxbatons class. I recognise most of the faces, which all stare at me with slight smiles.

I smile back as I make my way to the Slytherin table, where everyone is already sitting, and slide into my spot in between Daphne and Blaise.

Riddle and Malfoy are sitting across from us in a conversation with Pansy.

"How was your first day as an official Hogwarts student, Brooksy?"

I smile, looking over at Blaise, "It was actually really good, I haven't had this good of a school experience since Beauxbatons"

"Yeah, speaking of that. When the hell were you going to tell us you went to Beauxbatons?" Daphne questions.

"Oh. Well at some point obviously, but I had only known you all for a couple of hours"

Enzo backs me up, "She got you there Daph"

"Yeah. Alright. So... know any cute French boys? We are running out of good options"

That seems to get people's attention.

"Daphne. I'm sitting right here. Did what we had in the Second year mean nothing to you?"

Enzo puts his hand on his heart, as though it is being torn out by the comment.

"Sadly, no. French boys are not the ones you want to be with. Trust me"

"Got around at your old school, Sloane?"

Malfoy seems to have ruined the mood at the table. Riddle even looks at him with confusion about his comment.

Blaise puts his two cents into the discussion, "Like you can talk you manwhore"

"Ok. No. That's where I draw the line. I'M one of his exes, you tools"

Pansy attempts to defend herself, failing miserably.

"Yeah, and we are all still a bit confused about that. Care to shed some light on the situation?" Knott asks with a smile gracing his face, the first time I've seen him show emotion when I'm around.

"No comment"

Riddle laughs the loudest as the fight continues for the rest of the dinner. It's the happiest I've seen him since we met on the train. His laugh stuns me for a second. It's a melody to my ears that I could easily become addicted to.

I feel a stare cut into me. I find Malfoy looking at me from across the table, and as quick as I find his eyes, he's looked away, giving his attention back to Knott.

Riddle attempts to get my attention from across the table.

"You know, you're going to have to get used to me now. We will be seeing each other a lot this year"

Although I hate to admit it, he was right.

This year, there will be no escaping Matteo Riddle. 

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