New Miami

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The end of the day arrived, Harry said goodbye to Hermione and met her mother at the school gates, introducing himself before he bid farewell to his new found friend. He rushed into the school and to the Doctors class where he saw him waiting.

"Ready?" The Doctor said, he looked as giddy as a schoolboy.

"Ready." Harry said as he smiled at the Doctors glee.

"Come on then." The Doctor said before rushing into the TARDIS, with Harry following him inside, closing the door behind them as the Doctor threw his long coat over a nearby pillar before starting to key in a destination and a date on the controls, dancing around the central control console as he flipped switches, turned dials and pushed or pulled levers.

"Doctor, where are we going?"

"That's a surprise, but I can guarantee, it's going to be fantastic!" The Doctor said with a smile before pushing a lever forward, the TARDIS came to life, the wheezing groan of the TARDIS sounded out as the Doctor smiled and laughed to himself. "Let me give you a small history, or possible future lesson. So, the year five billion, the sun expands, the Earth gets roasted. So anyway, planet gone, all rocks and dust, but the human race lives on, spread out across the stars. You start to wander and eventually humanity finds this place we're going to, same atmosphere, same gravity, the works. Humanity re-establishes itself on this planet and names it "New Earth".  You lot being the pinnacle of creativity."

Harry looked at him.

"We're going to another planet?"

"Yeah. A new planet in the year five billion." The Doctor said as he smiled with excitement until they both felt the familiar feeling of the TARDIS landing. "After you."

Harry smiled with excitement before rushing to the door and opening it looking out and seeing the view, cars were flying, the buildings were glowing in the sunlight, Harry's jaw dropped as he heard the Doctor step out of the TARDIS, he turned to look at the Time Lord who was giving a kind smile.

"Welcome to New Miami, in the state of New Florida, in the New United States." The Doctor said as he chuckled at Harry's reaction. "Now, what do you wand to do first, visit the beach, or the Largest water park in the universe, or a restaurant that serves the best steaks this side of the universe. Or Maybe you'd like to go and watch a match of Zero gravity football."

Harry looked at him in shock.

"How are we going to get into the football, or pay for anything." Harry asked as The Doctor chuckled.

"Leave that to me." The Doctor said as he looked at Potter. "What'll it be first?"

"Football!" Harry said as he looked to The Doctor who laughed and smiled.

"Excellent choice." The Doctor said as he and Harry left for the nearby stadium. They arrived at the turnstiles where a Rhinoceros like creature was waiting for them.

"Sho to kro co kno flo to so sho po lo flo blo so flo bla." The Creature said as it looked at both Harry and The Doctor.

"Ma ho sho yo flo so dro sho no plo wo sho wo ho flo ro flo sho kro so sho kro to bla bla bla sho ho flo ro flo sho kro to sho kro so bla." The Doctor said as he produced the same small ID badge. The Doctor led Harry up to the VIP box.

"Doctor, what was that?"

"That was a Judoon. Like a space mercenary police." The Doctor said as he and Harry arrived and sat down. The Doctor smiled as he reached over to the table with a buffet. Harry looked at the Doctor.

"What is that piece of paper you keep showing off?"

"Psychic paper, people see on it what I want them to see, most of the time." The Doctor said as he smiled at Harry, the two of them both watching as the match began to kick off, they both had a plate full of food and watched with the match with excitement as the crowds thundered with both cheers and boos. Harry turned and embraced the Doctor.

"Thank you... for saving me from them." Harry said as the Doctor was confused by what was going on.

"Don't worry about it." The Doctor said as he looked at Harry who was still hugging him. "We should probably get back to watching the match."

As they went back to watching the match The Doctor was thinking about what had just happened. He wasn't used to this kind of thing, at least not in this lifetime, he looked to Harry and thought for a moment, thinking about James and Lily...

The Man With The Magic Box [Year 1] (Doctor Reader)Where stories live. Discover now