Christmas With The Doctor #2

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The group all struggled to stand as the TARDIS was in flight, with the Doctor practically swinging on the controls until eventually they all felt the TARDIS land.

As most of the children, barring Harry who was used to the TARDIS, stood up, they all looked around.

Ron walked towards the door until the Doctor spoke.

"Ron, don't! I need to check if the air is breathable first." The Doctor said as he ran a few scans and looked at a monitor.

"Oxygen levels seem to be fine. Air seems clear... Seems to be safe." The Doctor said as he put on his blue coat. He snapped his fingers and the doors opened. "Love doing that."

As They all stepped out of the TARDIS, the doctor looked around while all of the children rushed over to a window to see that they were in space

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As They all stepped out of the TARDIS, the doctor looked around while all of the children rushed over to a window to see that they were in space.

"Wicked." Ron said in amazement.

The Doctor looked around at the Christmas decorations set up, he sniffed slightly before looking around.

"Do you smell that as well doctor?" Hermione asked as The Doctor nodded.

"Fire?" The Doctor asked as Granger nodded. "I smell it. Last time I was in a situation like this was..."

"Oh, such a lonely childhood..." Reinette's voice echoed in the doctor's distant memory.

The Doctor could just about remember her face it had been so long since then

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The Doctor could just about remember her face it had been so long since then. So much had happened since then.

 So much had happened since then

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"Doctor?" Harry's voice broke the doctor out of his momentary flashback. "Are you okay?"

"I'm always okay." The Doctor lied as Harry looked at him. "Hermione, you and Harry are in charge, stay next to the TARDIS, I'm going to have a look at that fire, the implications alone don't comfort me in the slightest."

"Why are they in charge?" Ron asked.

"Because A) Harry has been travelling on the TARDIS for longer than any of you, B) Hermione follows instructions to the letter and when she doesn't it's usually a well informed decision based on reasonable logic and C) Because I said so." The Doctor said bluntly before walking off, following the scent of a fire.

"So what do we do?" Ron asked as everyone looked to him like he was an idiot.

"We stay here." Harry said as Hermione agreed. 

"Harry, did the Doctor seem... off to you? When he mentioned the fire on the space ship?" Hermione asked.

"I've never heard him mention a fire on a space ship before. But you're right, he did seem like he had Deja vu or something like that." Harry remarked as he thought to himself about his time with the Doctor.

"Maybe it reminds him of an old flame." Tracey suggested, everyone turned to look at her. "Full of festive cheer aren't yous."

The Doctor walked through the abandoned corridors of the ship until eventually he found a fireplace, somehow, perhaps it was the festive spirit, or perhaps it was just naivety, but some small part of him was hoping for a miracle to come with the fireplace...

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