Chapter 1!

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"Hey Colby I can't find Jake have you seen him?" Johnnie asked as he walked up to Colby
"Last time I saw him some girl was dancing on him over there" Colby said pointing over to a couch surrounded by people "Thanks man cya later" Johnnie walked over to the couch.

Just as Colby said Jake was sitting with a beer in hand getting a lap dance from some girl. This hurt Johnnie having a crush on Jake for almost their whole friendship. Johnnie knowing Jake had been out of it since Tara and him broke up didn't want to be rude and just wanted to get Jake out of there and home.

Johnnie grabbed Jake's hand and told him they had to go. Jake starred into Johnnie's eyes and smirked and stumbled of the couch still holding Johnnie hand refusing to let go. Jake turned Johnnie around so he was facing him and cupped his face. "You're so pretty Johnnie..did you know that..?" Johnnie turned bright red and just grabbed Jake's hand and called an Uber for then both considering Jake was the only one with a license and and was very drunk.

The Uber arrived and drove them home Johnnie helped Jake out the vehicle. Johnnie helped walk Jake inside as he closed the door to the house. Jake pushed Johnnie's hand away and plopped down on the couch. Johnnie stood in front of him. "Jake you need to go to bed." Johnnie said in a stern but weak voice. Jake just groaned and pause while looking Johnnie up and down which made Johnnie's face go red. Before Johnnie could speak again Jake pulled him onto his lap as soon as Johnnie tried to get up Jake just tightened the already tight grip on Johnnie's waist and glared at Johnnie. After alittle Jake fell asleep with a tight grip still on Johnnie.soon enough Johnnie fell asleep after him.

HI! I hoped you liked the first chapter I'm sorry to leave it off like this!! I will try to update daily! This is my first fanfic so please go easy on me! Sorry it's so short:(.Have a good day/night!-Lacey!/Author
Word count without A/N:321

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