Chapter 2!

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The next morning Johnnie woke up with Jake's hand still tightly around him. "Jake..wake up.." Johnnie said lightly shaking Jake up. Jake soon after woke up letting go of Johnnie "What happened last night.." Johnnie got up off the couch and started to explain last night "Some girls were dancing on you when I came to get you to go home and you.." Johnnie stopped himself not wanting to remind Jake that he cupped Johnnie face not wanting to embarrass himself with how red he had turned that night. Johnnie quickly went to his room to change not letting Jake speak another word. Jake sat on the couch with a huge hangover trying to rethink last night. "Nothing.." Jake whispered to himself before getting up to ask Johnnie if he had any pain medication.

Jake lightly knocks on the door and Johnnie opens it. Jake stutters for word once he sees what Johnnie is wearing. Jake's sweater. Jake has a huge smirk on his face mixed with blush. "Is that mine?" Jake asked pointing down at the sweater with a questioning smirk. "Oh yeah..I guess it is.." Johnnie said clearly embarrassed  looking down at the sweater not expecting Jake to notice he was wearing it. Jake lifted up Johnnie's face making Johnnie go red "it's fine you can wear it I don't mind" jake then let go of Johnnie chin and walked away completely forgetting the pain medication he needed to ask for.

5 minutes had passed and Jake's headache was getting worse when Johnnie walked out his room into the living room Jake practically jumped into his arms. "Uh Jake are you okay?" Jake just shook his head and groaned while hugging Johnnie's waist tighter Johnnie led him over to the couch to lay down. "I'll be back Jake" Jake nodded and sat up on the couch Johnnie came back with sweatpants,pain meds,and a t shirt for Jake since he was still in the clothes from last night. Jake took the clothes from Johnnie and changed in the bathroom while Johnnie made him a glass of water to take with the medicine. When jake came out the bathroom he was wearing the sweatpants but not the shirt he threw the shirt in the counter. Johnnie couldn't help but stare soon enough he caught himself and when he looked up at Jake's face Jake had a huge smirk "thought you would never stop looking" Jake put two pills in his mouth and took them with the water ok the counter and walked over to sit on the couch. Johnnie sat beside Jake still glancing over at his chest Johnnie's face was bright red every time he would glance over he would fidget with the sweater (JAKES SWEATER) he was wearing. Johnnie glanced over again this time Jake was already look at him. Johnnie glanced up at Jake's face "sorry..for um staring" Johnnie looked away avoiding eye contact. Jake turned Johnnie's head "you can look I don't mind.."

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Hope you have a good day! Love you guys!-Lacey/Author

Word count without A/N:502!


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