Chapter 2

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     Kit runs back home, the sun already tucking itself away under the horizon as the moon rises to greet the forest with darkness and stars. Her eyes dart around and ears twist to point at various sounds, hoping no one in the village spots her as she sneaks home. Upon returning home Jackie jumps into the window, her paws (feet) scratching the wall to find purchase and push herself inside. When Kit hits the floor with an oof, she looks up and sees her mom. Her mother looks almost the exact same as Kit but instead of blues she is various shades and colors of purple and has green eyes. "Hi ma." Kit says timidly and with an innocent smile. "I never expected to have to wait for my youngest to return home after bed time." She says as she grins and picks up Kit. "Where have you at all day ya goober?" Sloan, her big brother with deer features in place of Kit and their mother's fox like features but still the same blue colors and antlers as Kit and their Ba. "Exploring." Kit says, giggling as her ma starts tickling her. "Well, lil' explorer, it's time for bed." Ma says as she carries Kit to bed.

     §7 years pass (so Kit is 16, B is 21, Alex is 18, and Silas is 15) and Kit, Alex, and Silas get closer, the human, Biatrix, gets better and hangs around, and Kit and Alex start to get really close. Everything seem to be great. Until it's not.§

     The village is in chaos, word that a human is attacking has spread. Kit heads to the edge of the forest with the intentions of making sure B, Alex, and Silas are okay since the fey of the forest have a secure place to go in cases like this. But when Kit gets close to the village limits, she is stopped by the last person she expected. "B?" She asks, nervous and worried. But B doesn't even say anything, aiming the bow made of vine and branch that Kit had grown and gifted her on her 18th birthday at Kit. She dodges the arrow and begins to run away, sad and panicked as arrow after arrow is let loose on her, a few grazing her arms and one grazing over her nose when she looked back. B let's loose 2 arrows, one to fake her out and make her dodge right into the the 2nd one when kit's brother comes to the rescue. Kit turns around just in time to see the arrow pierce through his chest and he falls to the ground. "No! What have you done!?" Kit yells, anger clouding her thoughts and tears burning her eyes as she summon humongous venus fly traps and summons thorny vines out of the ground and sends then in B's direction, causing her to cry out when she's caught but otherwise doesn't say anything, the villagers returning. Kit falls to her knees near Sloan and holds him. "No. Nonononono. Sloan, you're going to be okay." Kit says, tears pooling in her eyes as she focuses on keeping B in her clutches. "H-hey there shorty.." Sloan says weakly and smiling up at her. Kit laughs bittersweetly, hating the nickname but knowing this is probably the last time she'll hear it from him. "I *sniffle* I am not short." Kit says, fighting back tears. "You-..... You are so short. Like an inchling. He- *cough*." He says with his signature grin despite the pain he had to be in. "Please don't go." Kit whispers, tears falling now as she rests her forehead on his. He brings his hand up to the back of her head and closes his eyes. "Im sorry bean. But i don't regret it." He whispers, getting weaker. Kit holds pressure around the arrow and uses her magic to numb the pain as best she can. "I need you here. Who is gonna hide shroomlings in ms. Oxy's house or ride skull dogs with me. Your my partner in crime." Kit says, trying to keep her emotions in check since her magic responds strongly to them. "You don't need me, bean. You can do that stuff for me now. I love you sis and I'm sorry." Sloan says, a tear sliding down his face. "Why are you sorry? It's my fault. If i had gone to the safe haven...." Kit starts but Sloan stops her in the most Sloan way possible. He give her a wet willy and laughing. "Don't. It ain't your fault and if you blame yourself i will come back as ghost and hide shroomlings in your house." He says, eyes beginning to close and his breathing getting shallower. "Please..." Kit whispers, hugging him now. "I love you so much Kit. You're definitely my favorite sister." Sloan mutters, hand falling from the back of her head as he finally passes. "I'm your only sister you *sob* idiot." Kit says, first absolutely devastated then enraged. She lays sloans body down as her appearance begins to change. Dark crimson, the color of fey corruption, begins to creep up the edges of her fingers, the edge of the color seemingly in her veins and making a wavy pattern as it creeps up further. It does this for her ears and tail and leaves crimson streaks in her hair, turning the violet eye bright red. Her breathing gets heavier. "You son of a bitch! Why?! We helped care for you, gave you company!" Kit screams, swinging B around and hitting her on the sides of houses, trees, and on the ground with that vine. "KIT!" Comes a familiar voice. Kit stops and drops B, her magicks dissipating, B covered in her own blood from the thorns. "M-Ma?" Kit asks, seeing the entire village look at her in shock, the look turning to horror as they notice the corruption. "Sh-She killed sloan Ma." Kit says, tears still flowing down her face. The village closes in and, somehow, B stands and escapes. They tend to Sloan's body and Kit's mom looks at her, tears in her eyes from Sloan's death. "Oh, baby... Look at you... We don't fight for a reason and this is it. I'm so sorry." Ma says, cupping Kit's face, the red streaks and the red tips on her ears and tail gone but it's still on her antlers, right eye, and on her hands, up to her mid forearm. "I'm so sorry ma." Kit cries. They hug for a moment til one of the elders approach with the bow that B dropped. "This was grown from fey magicks. Kit?" He says, looking at kit accusingly. Kit sniffles and knows that she's already going to be exiled for use of violence and corruption so she might as well go all the way right? "Yes, i made it. I gave it to her. Hell! I made it for her. But i didn't know she would do.... This." Kit says and both her Ma and the elder look at her in horror. A few shouts of more intruders come from the crowd. "Kit! B is.... Gone...." Alex trails off as she realizes that something has happened. "What's... What's goin on?" She asks, not having seen kit yet, and Silas following close behind. "B attacked us." Kit says with sniffle. "She killed Sloan and a few others." She adds. "Kit, i sorry." Silas says, looking around and side eyeing each of the forest fey eyeballing him. Then they see Kit. She has cuts and is bleeding gold, sure, but they see the corruption. Silas knows enough to know its bad but doesn't fully understand it. Alex on the other hand does, covering her mouth with her hands. "Oh my Atha! Kit what happened!" Alex asks, on the verge of tears which will burn her if she does cry. "Alex, calm down. I'm fine. I just got a little pissed." Kit says. Before Alex gets the chance to say anything the elder speaks again. "And you've been interacting with the enemy!?" He seems absolutely appalled, Kit's ma in disbelief as well. "Typically we let exiliants collect their things-" "Yeah, Yeah. No such privilege for me right?" Kit interrupts him and begins walking over to Sloan's body. "Goodbye brother. May the gods give you rest." Kit says, growing flame flowers around him before leaving, Alex and Silas walking at her side, comforting her.

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