Chapter Four

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     A few days later after the trio has gathered everything they would need they get ready to leave again. "Sil, you good? You don't need to take a swim before we head out?" Alex asks as she grabs her earrings and puts them on. "No I swam a few minutes ago while you and Kit were getting ready." Silas says, putting on her coat. "Alrighty then, so we're all ready to go?" Kit says as she joins them in the main room of the treehouse, being met with nods and sounds of agreement. "Great. Let's head out then." Kit says as she holds the door open for them.

     A few hours into their trip Alex gets them a little turned around, leading them to a human settlement. They all agree to take a break there and sort out where exactly they are, Not realizing this is a human only settlement of protestants and human supremacists. With this lack of knowledge they walk up to the gates as they would any criminal town or settlement. "Magic Users! And they have a human!" A gruff voice from a tower yells, a group of 10-15 armed men and women storming out of the gates in response. Alex grabs Kit's sleeve and they all three stop, Kit and Silas putting their hands up. "Hey, we don't mean any trouble. We-we can just go." Kit says, backing up slowly and Alex and Silas backing up as well. "Hand over the human and we may let you have a headstart to run." Says a tall, burley man, aiming a pistol at Alex. "What!" Silas says, sounding confused but the armada misreads his tone. "Don't worry. We'll help you get away from them." Says a soft toned woman says, sounding genuine and kind. "We're not giving Sil to you!" Alex exclaims, though her voice is still portraying bits of her timidity. "I don't need your help!" Silas says, putting his hands down and crossing his arms. "They're tricking you. These individuals are dangerous little boy." Says another one. "No they're not. Just let us leave." Silas says. The gruff man that seems to be the leader whispers to the 2 on either side of him and they seem to spread a message amongst themselves. Then they all point their weapons at them. "Stop! We're peaceful! Please!" Alex says when Kit pulls away from Alex. "Not when we're being threatened." She says, removing her gloves and kneeling. "Bug talk for someone who is surrendering." Says a snarky sounding person, their tone not sounding exclusively masculine or feminine. "Who said I was surrendering?" Kit says, digging her crimson fingers into the spoil and the giant, thorny vine sprouting again. "Let us go." Kit warns, wincing as the corruption burns her veins. "They're attacking. Fight back." Says the Gruff man, the entire armada firing and Kit swinging the vines at them in response. Alex tries to help, using phantoms to distract and attack the people that Kit misses while Silas uses water magic to stun people for a moment, giving the other two an opportunity to take them out.

Kit quickly begins to get worn out and tired as well as worn down by the pain, the corruption spreading quickly. "Kit stop. You're hurting yourself." Silas says, placing a free hand on her shoulder as he keeps an eye on the fight. "I'm fine." Kit says, though her voice and tone portray otherwise. "No you're not." Alex Chimes in. Just then another human runs out the gates and for a moment it seems like she's going to help the opponent. But instead she starts knocking out and killing a few of the men, distracting the others long enough for Kit, Alex, and Silas to take care of the rest. After they're all finished Kit grabs the woman with  a vine, the rest withering away. "Who are you? Why did you help us." Kit questions suspiciously. "Ow, ow! I'm Cadaver, though I prefer to go by Cade. I helped because I'm on your side." She says, the glamor of the human disguise fading revealing a demon. She has a red shirt that ends just above her stomach, crimson-black fingerless gloves, black and red feathered wings, a red scarf tied around her left arm, bandages over her eyes, brunet hair, grey jeans with one leg torn revealing a Japanese symbol meaning 'undead', and black boots. Kit sighs and drops her, pulling her fingers out of the ground and taking a breath, Alex taking her hands and looking over them before looking in her eyes. "Idiot." Alex mumbles as Cade approaches and looks down. "Interesting. You have corruption, and some fairly old corruption at that, yet you're still alive." Cade says, earning a glare from Kit as she pulls her hands From Alex's  and pulls the gloves back over her hands.

     Kit and Alex stand, Silas joining them and scolding kit for not listening as Cade watches in amusement, never having seen such unnatural loyalty between different species. "Come. You can all stay at my place for a while." Cade offers, walking off into the Forest. "And why should we trust you?" Silas asks, looking away from chastising and tending to Kit to look at Cade. "Cause I helped you, you don't have anywhere else, and more people will be arriving soon." Cade suggest. Silas just scoffs but they all follow Cade.

     Cade's place was nice. A small 2 storey house that was a little overgrown but it gave it a charming look. The inside was just as nice. It was dimly lit, making it look abandoned from the outside but warm and cozy on the inside. The whole house was very clean. Cade gives them a tour, showing them where the 2 bathrooms were, the kitchen, living room, gaming basement, and the 3 bedrooms upstairs. "The one on the far end is mine, feel free to knock anytime if you need something. The other two you can have your pick though 2 of you will need to share a room." Cade says, finishing the tour. "We will." Alex says, putting an arm around Kit's shoulders. "Great, that's already decided. You guys go get settled and I'll have breakfast ready in the morning." Cade says. Once she's gone they all face each other. "Should we actually trust her? I mean we only just met her." Silas says to which Alex replies "I'm not sure but for now she's helping immensely. I think we should. At least for tonight and see how we feel about it in the morning." Kit nods. "We should be wary but for now we can trust her as long as we keep our guards up." She says, everyone nodding, having come to a conclusion.

     "Well I saw a few lakes nearby so imma go take a quick swim." Silas says, going downstairs and leaving. "Maybe we should head outside for some fresh air, too. Look at the star like we used to." Alex proposes to which Kit nods. "Yeah. Yeah that sounds nice." She responds. Alex takes her hand and they head outside, forgetting about everything and just talking. About themselves, about fun stuff they used to do with their families before exile, about how they all met one another, arriving at a large lake in a nice, floral clearing and laying down and looking at stars. "What do you think the humans are doing up there? The ones that they sent for Mars just before the fall. Do you think they've made it yet?" Alex asks, turning her head to look at Kit who does the same. "I don't know. Probably. it's been a long time so they must have." Kit says, looking back up at the stars.

     After a while of silence Kit speaks up. "Thank you." She says. Alex looks over, confused. "For what?" She asks, propping herself up on an elbow and turning onto her side to face Kit. "For everything. For being a great friend..... And more, For helping after everything with Trixy and the exile and Sloan. For dealing with my sass and stubborn bullshit with the corruption." Kit quiets for a moment and looks at her hands before speaking up again. "For sticking around even knowing I'm..... Not going to be around much longer." Kit finishes, finally turned to look at Alex again who had a tear sliding down her cheek, skin sizzling a bit and smoking a bit in it's wake. "Shit. I'm sorry I just- I wanted to say thank and got lost in though. I- I .." Kit says, sitting up and bringing Alex with her and wiping the tear away, making sure to dry the trail. "No it's fine I just.... Of course I did all of that. And I'll continue til the end, be it mine or yours." Alex says, pulling Kit in for a hug who hugs back. When they pull away Alex brushes Kit's hair from her face who leans into her hand. "I love you." Kit mutters. "I love you, too. And I always will." Alex says, smiling softly at Kit.

     Alex pulls Kit in for a kiss. The goes on for several moments before escalating quickly, Kit licking Alex's lip for entrance which she easily gave, the couple's tongues dancing across one another. Alex's hands begin unbuttoning Kit's shirt as she pulls Alex's shirt off over her head and explores her body with her hands. Alex moves her kisses along Kit's jaw and to her neck, biting and sucking, Kit moaning softly.

    They then hear a splash and exaggerated gagging, pulling both out of what they were doing and look behind them. There stood Silas, dripping water and pulling his coat around himself as he deliberately looks anywhere but at them. "Gross. Get a room." Silas says and rolls his eyes though his tone portrays sarcasm and slight amusement. He then continues to walk towards the house. "See back at the house. Maybe." He says, knowing they both needed this, a moment of reprieve.

     Once Silas is out a sight and Kit's earshot they laugh, a little embarrassed and amused at the same time. "Maybe we should head inside." Kit says with a smile. "Yeah, Let's." Alex agrees, getting off of Kit to let her button her shirt up and she hands Alex's shirt back to her. Once they're redressed they both stand and head back to Cade's house.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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