they gave me a roomie to save budget

57 3 0

They don't even pay the bills. Well, I don't pay the bills either, but who cares? They're the human!


"You're doing great, Orange! Now try saying it again!"
I tried to respond back. "John kicked the ball."
"Brilliant! Now, onto excercise-"
"Get in."
My head snapped towards the exit of this room, in time to see a mercenary kick someone to the floor of the cell. They went limp. Or they were just lying very still.
"Maria. Get over here."
The researcher looked a bit surprised, but started packing her books.
"Sorry, Orange. Just hang in there, alright?"
And then she left, leaving the door to slam shut with a loud thud!.
I went over to check on the new subject immediately. His heartbeat seemed normal, and he was breathing. I couldn't tell anything else. Faintly, I mumbling from the other side of the wall whilst checking on the subject. Strange.
I dragged the body across the room, over to the 'bed' (also known as the mess of towels), and lay his head on the pillow. It was good enough, I hope.
I started reading one of the books on the shelf; I had nothing to do, after all.

I heard a scream eminating from outside the cell.
I then heard a scream emulating from inside the cell. Which completely blasted my ears.
Fuck. I probably have tinnitus now, judging by the ringing...
I looked over at the cell's newest prisoner. He was banging on the door, yelling a myriad of insults and mentioning a 'Christina' in between choking out tears.
So, some pretty standard "I just got kidnapped" stuff.
And then he spots me in the corner, sitting on the floor and reading a copy of Harry Potter, and everything from before just completely ceases. His eyes bulge — he takes a step back.
"What the hell are you?" he whispers.

He was back to banging on the door, more desperate this time.
I don't think he likes me. He sped up after I said hello to him.
I also learnt that his name was Alex. What does it even mean? How do you even use the word?
Whatever. I got back to my book and tried to ignore him.
That was until he started having a panic attack (I think? He was hyperventilating — hah, cool word — and crying whilst collapsed on the floor).
I felt helpless... watching him suffer. So I tried to calm him down.
"Breathe in, out, in, out, in-"
I then felt a sudden sting on the side of my face. A shove to the ground followed.
That's certainly one way to say thanks, I guess?

He fell asleep with his fist raised on the door. It looks ridiculous and hilarious at the same time. I am a bit concerned — the skin looks raw.
I took my de facto bed back. He wasn't using it now, anyways.

It clicked.
"Oh shit."
But it didn't matter, because I couldn't leave, right?
Also, why is the bucket always glued to my head until I don't want it to be?
And why haven't they found the knife inside of it yet??

I woke up to harsh banging on the door. Alex had ripped the plastic speaker from the entanglement of wires above the door and was smashing it against the steel. Which probably wouldn't be very effective when you think about it, but I guess it was worth a shot in his eyes.
And then the door opened right as he drew back and went to charge it, causing him to half-run half-fall right through the frame. There was a moderate amount of cussing from him.
"You're moving," a voice said through the radio. "Hurry it, 758, Orange."
Ha. I get the name.

"Why move?" I asked the mercenary accompanying us.
"The cells are being cleared out for the more unsavoury of your kind."
I wondered which type of gootraxian they captured.

They moved us to one of those rooms they keep subjects in before they commit an act of god-knows-what on them. It was quite a bit smaller than the cell, but it looked a bit cosier because of it. It had something resembling a bed, at least.
Well, the assortment of blankets and pillow were on the ground next to it.
There was also a window, which overlooked an area in the crystal cave. I'd never noticed it before when I was free, was it one-way? Or maybe I just didn't see it. It was one way of escape, at least.
Everything that was in the cell was in the room — a shelf supporting a radio (seriously?) alongside a few books and a black marker.
There was also the new addition of cans containing foods. Which Was especially stupid when you consider that there was nothing to open them (maybe my claws? I'm not busting out the knife).
Oh, and the door was locked, as usual. And Angry Alex was banging on it, as usual.
I'll sure have a great time here.

He fucking stole the blankets whilst I was reading the rest of the book.
Guess I'm sleeping on the floor tonight.

Who am I?

I somehow managed to get a decent night of sleep. That was shocking.
Including the loud clang I heard right beside me, which instantly destroyed any sort of rest I got. The can of peaches lay open on the floor, and Alex stirred.
Kudos to him for setting up an alarm system instead of killing me outright, though.

That was also when the lights started flickering.


i don't like this chapter it almost got scrapped but whatever screw it
i might explain the gt lore in this story on another work
who knows
how did catte becoming a therapist by technicality worm its way into the story, that was not planned
no proofreading was attempted in this household
and why is this on the wattpad ranks again

i'm bored send me your fic ideas
no ships sorry folks
and for the fic recommendation...
yeah i got nothing from small writers but go check out Kaiju Paradise: Changing Perspective by Breaded_Fanaticism

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