so the electricity company just called

52 2 0

How am I supposed to use the microwave now? I'm lodging a complaint to Customer Service.


So, the question was whether or not to break out and experience twice of Hell if caught or to stay and prolong that.
Nah, screw that shit.
It didn't sound or feel like there was anybody outside the door, so I started slamming one of the tin cans on the corner of the window.
And then after a few hits, the window cracked, more, and more, until I chucked the entire can of beans at the window and it shattered outright.
Might have kept unsuspecting test subjects — or victims — in, but not the great Nomad and his Bloxabarn can of beans.
And, well, Alex, who didn't do anything and is probably still getting out of bed considering the last time I saw him.
Anyways, the small part of crystal cave the room oversaw was apparently a small crevice in the corner of the entire cavern. It seemed to be the south sector one; I could see the 'LAMINAX LABORATORIES' sign from here. Also because it was much bigger in general than the other caves.
I might as well check the old 'home' while I was out here.

The first thing I noticed when I reached the spot was that the pallet was still lying at the bottom of the hole from when the mercenary fell through.
The second thing I noticed was that Laminax didn't mark the hole with anything.
That's one way to get someone to break their neck.
Climbing down, there wasn't much changed about the overall room. Probably because there wasn't much to change in the first place.
Those fuckers took the plant too. I loved those pink flowers.
The half-eaten Slimepup left on top of the 'frock' had somewhat melted into a fruity sludge (yes, I actually tasted the liquid. Now shut up). I guess the researchers didn't want to deal with it.
How was Dusk doing, actually? He never did receive the note I wrote on the back of an incident report (I doubt he could even read it anyways). Probably came back to commotion around the hole and ran to the other side of the cave to cry himself to sleep. There wasn't anything else left in the glorified pit, so I made my way back out, and took the long-awaited walk I said I would do all those years (weeks) ago.
At least until I was hit on the back of the head with something, sending me to the ground.
Looking up, I could see a young — well not that young, like 18 young, actually — man wearing a hazard yellow suit with a broken, probably steel pipe in his clutches.
Looks like ol' Peter Piper here picked a fight.
Well I could do that too.

So, the thing about hazmat suits and the people wearing them is that you can't just chuck them into a puddle; you have to really get into them for anything to happen.
That meant I had only two options: peace, or brutalisation.
Naturally, I chose the former, because I didn't want to take that chance of bleeding out and dying slowly on the floor. Also because it looked like there was a shit ton of fear in the guy's eyes.
"Hey, I won't attack you-"
My message was interrupted by the slamming of the metal pipe into my chest, sending me about two metres back on my back.
Yeah, I think negotiations are off the table. Guess I have to fight.
The distraction was good enough, and I grabbed the knife from the bucket, mindlessly chucking it at the man. Looking back, I probably should have aimed first...
But that didn't matter, because oh! The world went in slow motion, the knife gracefully dancing through the air, his eyes flinging themselves wide open as it takes a journey of discovery, its final resting location being his-
That did not happen. We instead have good news and bad news.
The bad news is that the throw missed him entirely, and the stuck itself into the large crystal next to him.
The good news (but still bad? I genuinely didn't want to hurt this guy) was that it somehow exploded into chunks from the impact, and it sent the man airborne at Mach speed.
He subsequently flew across the cavern with all the gracefulness of a sack of potatoes. Right into one of the crystals. Where it impaled his chest.
Well, that's a him problem now!
I turned away after realising he wasn't going to die in time. I couldn't spare him misery. Or I gave him a second chance? Some people would say that.
Trans'fur'mations were brutal, and I would pre'fur' not to watch one alongside listening to one (his screams were LOUD).
And, I kind of felt bad? He didn't act out of malice, like that other knife guy — who's now truly one with the Earth now that his prized possession was in pieces and scattered across the gravel amongst crystal fragments.
I heard a loud bang! from behind me. Kind of like the ones you get from firecrackers. I didn't spare a glance.
It was a bit strange for the crystal to explode this late, though. Maybe it was something else..?
...I may or may not have spared a glance.
Oh, that's what happened.
There was a slumped and very fluffy red body on the ground next to the crystal.
At least they're a cute cat and not a crystal lizard thing? If they ever re-enter society??
(What was the deal with the crystals suddenly changing, anyways? What happens to the Carnelines and Panthers?)
The mass of naturally and bloodied red fur started waking up. He eventually managed to get off the ground and onto both paws, still being a bit dazed by the 'early morning' fatigue.
Of course the first thing he does is look at me (at least it's with confusion)...
And then it looked like a spark of recognition pinged in his mind. The cat looked up at me, back at his paws, then at me again, before something changed in his eyes and I wanted to get the hell out because I wasn't strong enough to fight a Hazzy.
So I did the only real thing I could. I turned tail, and I ran. I ran, ran as far as my paws would let me.
I didn't want to know what I had done.


i really wanted to write graphic descriptions of violence but i set this as teen and up audience so it's a womp womp
red cat warning
i found out that hazzies are a cat fox red panda hybrid but for the sake of the story they're just cats :3
as usual this is not proofread i just spit it out

the fic recommendation for this chapter is Diary Entries of a Subject by pixeldraws0810 over on ao3
it hasn't been updated in a while so that sucks but go read it

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