Trapped by Him

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Jenny and Cyrus were on their way to university when a black Porsche slowed down and Scarlett yelled,  " Come on guys. Let me give you a lift "  Cyrus tried to ignore it at first, but eventually agreed because of Scarlett's constant insistence. Both the girls had a good amount of chitchat, now Jenny considers her as a good friend.

In the cafeteria, Jenny and Eva were busy with their sandwiches when Scarlett joined them. She gave two invitation cards to both girls and said, "  It's my birthday in 2 days. I'll be so glad if you guys will come "  Scarlett said while giving them the card. Eva responded with a smile,  "  Yeah, we're grateful that you consider us your friend " , and Jenny nodded as well.

Scarlett went to her other friends to give them an invitation as well. Jenny's world of imagination was interrupted by Eva's voice.  " Are you worried about your parents?  "  Jenny didn't say anything,  just nodded her head   "  Don't worry, I'll help you with it but before that let me feed you a new flavor icecream "   the mention of ice cream was enough to remove her all worries.

After sometime

Jenny after completing her assignment stood up from the desk and went straight to the closet to take out her nightwear, but her eyes caught a bouquet of Blue roses wrapped in a weird black sheet. She swiftly grabbed them and sniffed it's petals, and they were indeed fresh. But who has put it here.. ? This question starts roaming in her head.

As far she knows, her mom has allergies to flowers and because of that, in the whole house there's not a single flower plant except a small cactus which is on her desk. But a mere thought that might be her dad has put it here, she took a snap of it and posted it on her insta page with a caption :

"  Blue Roses are rare they convey innocence, loyal love and purity... "

:- By Dad.

On the other hand

A notification sound echoed in a dark and silent room, the only source of light in that room was coming from the phone screen. Xavier who has leaned his back on the chair grabbed the phone, read out something.

After shutting it off and placing it back on the table, he began to play with the ring on his index finger with a devilish smirk on his handsome face.

Next Day

On the Dinning table, Jenny took a deep breath and told her dad about the Birthday invitation of her friend.  "  I'm sorry princess, but it's already a late night party and secondly that area of town is occupied by big Businessmen and mafias. It's no safe for you to there....  "  her dad tried to make her understand, but Jenny wasn't ready to step back as she also wanted to feel free at least for a single day.

"  Please Dad... I promise I will come back before midnight and.. "   she got interrupted by her Mom who was also not ready to let her go. By seeing that how her parents are reacting on such a mere birthday party she starts sobbing, tears started rolling down.

Her Mom took a step to calm her down, but she gently yanked her hand,  "  You guys don't love me at all.. You don't respect my freedom. Everyone calls me a coward coz my parents didn't allow me to go alone... Why you want to cage me in this house.?  "  She asked with her teary eyes and hiccups.

Cyrus interrupted their conversation by coming downstairs and asking Jenny about what happened. After confirming that Jenny's point was not incorrect,  he realized she was right.  He assured her parents   "   Uncle even though it's a girl party, but I will drop Jenny and took her back too.... Please allow her.. At least for a single day.. "

Mr. Frederick observed Jenny's dazzling ocean eyes from where she was shedding tears constantly. He stood up and wiped her tears from her rosy cheeks and gave her permission  "  Now stop crying.  You can go but let me remind you this is the last time I'm allowing you. Afterwards these precious tears wouldn't help you, Okay..? "  just he finished Jenny gave a light hug to her father and a victory wink to Cyrus who chuckled at her childish behavior.

Next Day

Jenny opened her locker and saw a bouquet of blue roses again, which has been happening to her for the last few days. It seems like someone has been putting these bouquets of blue roses in her room and now even in her locker.

She has stopped posting any flower snaps as she's not stupid enough to not understand that someone is stalking her. That guy knows she loves flowers and that's why he put flower everywhere she goes just to impress her. She gritted her teeth and took out that bouquet and threw it in the bin near the locker, took her books out and went away.

After sometime

After finishing her studies, she walked towards the bed and took the blanket off and get inside it then suddenly she saw a huge shadow of someone on her closet , she gasped and turned around only for her whole body to freeze in horror as she saw someone standing near the window by holding something in his hand.

Despite her attempts to turn on the lamp next to her bed, the light had gone off. She began to take deep breaths to calm her racing heart, and was about to scream when a chilling deep and husky voice prevented her from opening her mouth.

" Shh, Diamond.... "

She heard heavy footsteps approaching the bed, so she quickly sat on the bed, pulled her knees against her chest, and put her head down. As she shut her eyes, a sob slipped out of her lips.

She tightly gripped her mouth in order to prevent any noise from escaping, ensuring that the man couldn't find her. But it's her bad coz that person can see her clearly even in that dark room.

Her hopes were soon dashed when she saw him sitting on the bed, a strong dark cologne entered her nostrils, making her heart run even more faster. The man placed the bouquet beside her and leaned closer to her, causing his warm breath to touch her forehead.

His cold fingers gently caressed her cheeks and his extremely deep and husky voice caused her breath to hitched in her throat, causing her heart to become out of control.

" Don't ever dare to throw my Gifts.. " He paused and took a moment to admire her beautiful face, before adding  "  Diamond ".

He ascended from the bed and moved closer to her with that. His deep, husky voice pierced through her ears, causing her breath to jerk as he leaned down towards her ear and made her whole body shiver badly.

" The devil has trapped you.. Diamond "

he said with a small chuckle and with that, he pulled back and took a few steps towards the window, but suddenly stopped. Her eyes widened in shock as the horrific sound of his footsteps stopped and the shadow was still there.

Slightly turning his upper body backwards with a sinister smirk, he warned with a deep voice.

"  Your small family is currently sleeping. Would you like them to remain peacefully asleep for ever? "

She understood the hidden meaning behind this. She instantly shook her head and spoke in a broken, soft voice.
" P- Please d-don't do any-anything to themm "  This trembling voice of her satisfied the devil inside him.

" It's all up to you,  Diamond. As long as you obey me, your family will be safe. However, the day you will disobey me " 

He didn't complete the sentence just to see her eyes widen to their extent and fear was visible all over her face. A few seconds later, he completed it.

" You'll witness your family's  mercilessly death..."  With that, he left the room.

As soon as he left the room, she ran and closed the door and windows. She maniacally walked towards the bed, focusing on the blue rose bouquet wrapped in the same black sheet. Despite her intention to throw it, his warning prevented her from doing so and she placed it on her study table.


~~~ TBC ~~~

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