Chapter Three

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The cold morning hair was sliding in and out of my lungs, waking me up a little more with each breath I was taking. After a few minutes of walking, I arrived at the local café where Ashley told me to get her and her sister's coffee. When I entered the warm and coffee-smelled-like place after walking in the cold, I felt a sort of wave of comfort washing through me. I would gladly stay here all day, sitting at a table by the window while sipping a warm latte.

"Hi Miss, what can I do for you?" I looked at the young lady behind the counter.

"Hi, umh, I'll have..." I took a look at the post it onto which the twins' order was written. "One flat white with soya milk for Mary-Kate and a matcha latte for Ashley please."

The strawberry-blond haired lady smiled "They always order the same." She chuckled "It's funny how they stick to their order every single day, I would get bored after a week".

I smiled."Do they always order their coffee at this place?" I asked, curious.

"Yes, it depends, sometimes it's one of their employees who comes to get their coffee, or they come and get it themselves." She answered as she started putting together the two different beverages.

"Are you a friend of theirs?" She asked and I slightly frowned my eyebrows, confused. "Oh, umh... no, no. I'm their new employee actually. I'll be getting their orders every day now." I smiled.

When she was done with my orders, she placed the two cups on the counter right before me. She had a small blush painted on her cheeks. "Good for me then." She said softly and the corners of my lips went up.

"Well," I took the trail in my hand while I wiped the credit card Ashley gave me into the payment machine. "I'll see you then." We exchanged a quick goodbye and I swiftly left the coffee, heading to the The Row offices.

Once I had overcome the elevator ordeal, I made my way towards Mary-Kate's office and took a deep breath. I didn't know if she was already inside or not so I knocked.

"A minute." she declared. I waited. After what seemed like a short five minutes, the door opened curtly. There she was, standing halfway through the door, a stolid expression plastered on her face.

"Morning" I simply said, not exactly knowing what else to say. I extended my hands to her "Here is your coffee".

Barely a second after uttering the word coffee, I saw Ashley excitedly rushing in front of me to grab one of the two cups of coffee as if her life depended on it. She took a  big sip then looked at me with her eyes wide open.  "Now you are my favorite employee!" She exaggerated, which made me giggle. She smiled and went out of Mary-Kate's office.

"Is that a flat white latte?" Mary-Kate questioned, looking at her phone. I turned 90° so that I was facing her and nodded.

"I don't like cow milk." She added and finally looked up at me.

"I know, it's soy milk" I insisted and handed it to her. She noded nonchalantly and took it.

I placed my coat and bag next to my desk. Mary-Kate was sitting at her desk. I felt like we were going to ignore each other the whole day. She was intentionally avoiding any possible discussion. Just like yesterday, I read loads of emails. It was approximately lunchtime when Ashley emailed me to let me know I had to make a selection of songs that could go into the next playlist that The Row posts on Spotify every month. That meant that I had to examine the playlists previously made to get an idea of the vibe they were going for. Then, make a selection of several songs and artists that would match.

I poked around the old playlists and time went by quickly. After a few hours, I had a long list full of songs. I watched the time and noticed that it was already 3 p.m. I sent the selection to Ashley, hoping I had made it in time.

The Job, Mary-Kate OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now