tragic discovery and new life

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Chris was shown pulling up into the driveway of there home as he turns the car off before getting out closing the door as he opens the back seat door leaning over Jackie who was strapped in her car seat"come on let's get you ready for tonight"he says with a smile as his daughter claps her hands giggling as he picks her up closing the door then heading into the house.

"Candy!"she says excitedly clapping her hands as Chris laughs at his energetic daughter as they walk into the house.

He closed the door with one hand as he locks it before walking up stairs so his daughter can get ready for Halloween.

As his daughter was playing in the bath tub he was sitting out her Halloween costume which was princess costume as she was going as bell for Halloween as a yellow dress with a small tiera was set on to the bed.

He then goes to his room as something walks out the shadow of the hallway as a familiar white mask was shown it was Michael.

Many gasp.

Klaus turns to his daughter as Chris hugs his family close with tears "is this when...."he asked as neveah nods her head with tears as both her family's share worried looks.

He walked into his and neveahs room but froze feeling like some is watching him as he slowly turns around seeing Micheal starring at him as he glares as his eyes glow gold as his wolf fangs come out"Micheal"he growls.

Michael holds his knife up heading towards Chris who growls grabbing Michael by the neck and throwing him into the wall with a bang as it cracks and shattered the mirror.

Jackie who was getting dressed into her costume looks up hearing the noise before running out her room as her eyes widen seeing her father fighting off a man with a large knife "daddy!" She says worried.

Chris holding off Micheal turns to his frightened daughter "Jackie run now !"he says before shouting in agony as Micheal takes this time to break Chris arm and then stabs Chris in the heart before kicking him to the ground.

Many had tears as neveah cry's watching as he mate was being killed in front of here daughter as Chris rocks her back and forth whispering calming words into her ears.

Laurie watches her little sister cry as tears build into her eyes she should have been there for them as she watches her brother in law being killed in screen.

Tears fill up in Jack's eyes as she watches the man stab her father relatedly hearing his screams before they silenced by a crack as Chris neck was snapped as Micheal stands up covers in Chris blood as guts hang out as blood pools around.

"He's bloody dead!"Klaus yells as anger rushes through him and his siblings as they watch this monster kill family.

He then slowly turns to Jade who whimpers backing up before running off down the stairs with Michael following her.

"Oh God please tell me he's not gonna kill a child!"Elena says with worry as Chris holds Nevaeh and Jackie to hold with tears.

Jackie cry's running through the kitchen before screaming when Michael appears a she backs up in fear as she turns to run through the kitchen as she was grabbed as Micheal swiftly cuts her throat as she chokes on her blood as it sprays over the floor as she falls to the ground as Micheal just stands there  as her eyes slowly close before leaving.

Nevaeh cry's holding her daughter to her chest as her anger for Michael ten folded.

Many were shocked with horror at how he just killed an innocent child "he's a soulless monster"Bonnie cry's.

Nevaeh was shown at a doctors office holding a positive stick in her hand as she smiles with tears she couldn't wait to tell Chris.

Chris turns to Nevaeh "your pregnant"he asked shocked.

Nevaeh sniffles as she nod sher head "I was at the doctor's get a test and it turns out I was pregnant we had another beautiful little girl but I don't think she was brought with us she might be brought here later on in the movies"Nevaeh explained with tears.

She drives to the house as she pulls up into the drive way she frowned when none of the lights where on before the smell of blood hit her making her worried as she throws her car door open as she runs up the stairs to the house.

She slammed the door open running in it was completely dark something was wrong she then looks up at the stairs before running up them"Chris! Jackie!"she yell out worried as she looks into her daughters room but didn't see her daughter before running to her and Chris bedroom.

Nevaeh turns Jackie's head away from the screen as tears run down her face as her family and Chris hold them tightly.

She skids to a halt as she lets out an agonizing heart shattering cry there layed her husband/mate spread out on the bed with his neck snapped as his eyes were frozen open as he had many stab wounds as his guts hang out with blood everywhere as she falls against the door crying before her eyes winding"Jackie!"she yells running through the house.

She runs to the kitchen freezing "no!"she cry's as she runs to her daughter as she falls to her knees not caring about blood as she holds her daughter up in her arms as tears slow down her face as she holds her daughter seeing her throat was slit open as she cry's in agony that her family was ripped away from her.

neveah crying in anguish as she rocks back and forth with a little body half way in her arms"please baby open your eyes please"she cry's as Jackie doesn't mover or open her eyes she didn't her heart beat anymore.

Nevaeh closes her eyes as she cry's heart broken that her husband and daughter have been taken from her before opening her eyes as she glares forward with tears sliding down her face as she growls knowing who did this as she leans back her head with a loud roar that reached the heavens as thunder rumbles as followed by a loud clap of lighting she will make him pay her witch side had been unlocked as it was triggered do to loosing her loved ones.

"He pay with his life"Elijah says with a girl as many were awe at her power as it lashed out.

She then gently sets her daughter down as tears stain her face as she stands back up while walking to the land line as she dails 911"yes what is your emergency."was heard.

"My family has been murdered"she says coldy as she lets go of the phone as it hangs as she walks away ignoring the women as she steps outside as thunder rumbles "better watch you back Michael"she says with a glare as lighting flashes before she disappears to when Jamie was.

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