Chapter 9: Love Blooms in the Locker

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Chapter 9: "Love Blooms in the Locker"

Kiyotaka Ayanokouji's POV:

Ever since Suzune became my girlfriend, I've been feeling like a completely different person. It's a strange but exhilarating sensation. We've been working together on class matters, leading our classmates as usual, but we still haven't been on our first date. Today is just another day at high school, and to my surprise, the rumors about me liking Kei Karuizawa are still circulating and gaining traction.

As I make my way through the hallways and corridors, I overhear snippets of conversations whispering about my supposed affection for Kei. It's annoying, to say the least. I never anticipated feeling this way, but I'm filled with the urge to set things straight and let the world know that they're wrong—I love Suzune, she's my girlfriend. So, I devised a plan, as any mastermind or devilish character would.

Entering the classroom, I noticed only Suzune sitting in her usual seat. I took my seat beside her and greeted her with a "Ohayo gozaimasu." She responded with a soft "Anata mo ne." At that moment, I realized we were alone in the classroom. Seizing the opportunity, I discreetly handed her a flower—the mountain flower, chosen based on information I obtained from Manabu Horikita, Suzune's brother. She smiled at me, and her gentle "Arigato" made me feel like I was witnessing true beauty. I silently thanked Manabu once again for providing me with insights into Suzune's preferences.

Just as we were about to resume our normal routine, the rest of the class entered. Kei greeted us, and we waved back, returning to our individual tasks. However, we soon received news that Mr. Charashiba, our class teacher, would be absent due to some urgent matters. I silently expressed my gratitude to the absent teacher, knowing that this was the key to my plan. As expected, Suzune stood up and began leading a discussion about improving exam scores and other academic matters.

Seizing the moment, I stood up and took hold of Suzune's hand. Her reaction surprised me, and she whispered, "You're creating a scene." Ignoring her warning, I led her to the locker and, as planned, the entire class followed suit. I closed the locker door, creating a sense of intimacy, and then, in a loud voice for all to hear, I said to Suzune,

"You know, our bedsheets are going to get really dirty. I thought we should buy a good detergent powder. Our romance, as a dating couple, blossoms every time I see you smile. You make me want to love, and you make me feel human. I love you, Suzune Horikita, soon to be Ayanokouji."

Suzune, blushing and stammering, responded,

"Hey, are you an idiot? What's all this? Do you really think it's the right time to say these things? What if someone overhears us? And what about the scene you created in the classroom? If the teachers find out..."

I couldn't help but smile seeing Suzune's flustered and blushing state. It was as if she had turned into a red tomato. Smirking (just as I wanted my plan worked), I listened to the whispers echoing throughout the hallways as our classmates reacted to our unexpected confession.

Suzune's words echoed in my mind, her protests filled with embarrassment and concern. She had a point—I hadn't exactly executed my plan in the most subtle manner. Perhaps I had allowed my mischievous side to take over. Nevertheless, seeing her blushing face and hearing her unrehearsed response brought a sense of satisfaction that I couldn't ignore.

As the whispers and murmurs of our classmates reverberated around us, I couldn't help but feel a mix of anticipation and curiosity. How would our peers react to this sudden revelation? Would they question the authenticity of our relationship, or would they accept it without further ado?

The classroom seemed to hold its breath, awaiting the aftermath of our impromptu confession. The silence stretched on, and I could almost feel the tension building. Then, unexpectedly, a timid voice spoke up from the back of the room.

Kei Karuizawa, usually composed and reserved, wore a soft smile. Her eyes sparkled with a mix of amusement and relief. "Well, well, looks like the rumors can finally be put to rest. Congratulations, you two. It's about time you made things clear." Her words carried a touch of playful teasing, but her sincerity was evident.

Suzune, still blushing, turned to me with a mixture of gratitude and irritation. "You really know how to make a spectacle, don't you?" she muttered under her breath.

I couldn't help but chuckle. "Well, it wouldn't be me if I didn't push the boundaries a little, would it?"

She rolled her eyes but couldn't hide a small smile that tugged at the corners of her lips. "Just remember, next time we want to share something personal, let's find a more private setting."

I nodded, acknowledging her request. "Agreed. I suppose I got carried away with the moment. But hey, at least everyone knows now, right?"

Suzune sighed, her initial annoyance melting away. "Yes, I suppose you're right. It's better this way. No more misunderstandings."

I could practically feel the eyes of our classmates on us. Among the sea of faces, I noticed the reactions of Sudo Ken, Kei Karuizawa, Sakura Airi, Sakayanagi Arisu too?🤨, and Hirata Kousuke, each reflecting a unique response to our revelation.

Sudo Ken, with his boisterous nature, was the first to break the silence. He let out a loud guffaw, slapping his hand on his thigh. "Ayanokouji, you sly dog! You've been hiding a girlfriend from us? And it's Horikita? Man, you sure know how to surprise people!" His genuine laughter reverberated through the room, easing the tension and bringing a smile to my face.

Sakura Airi, always observant and perceptive, had a gentle smile on her face. She seemed genuinely happy for us, her expression radiating warmth and support. She quietly whispered to her neighboring classmate, expressing her approval and silently cheering us on.

Sakayanagi Arisu, known for her sharp wit and calculated demeanor, arched an eyebrow. She studied us with her discerning eyes, a mixture of curiosity and amusement dancing within them. "Well, it seems the unexpected can happen even to you, Ayanokouji. I must say, this is quite an interesting twist. Do cherish your newfound romance, for it might just be the catalyst for further surprises."

And then, there was Hirata Kousuke, a fellow classmate from Class D who had been a close friend of mine and Suzune's. His reaction was a blend of surprise, concern, and genuine happiness for her. His eyes widened momentarily, but he quickly composed himself, offering a warm smile of approval and support from across the room. It was as if he silently acknowledged that Suzune had found someone who could understand and appreciate her.

Amidst the varied reactions, Suzune Horikita, my girlfriend, stood beside me, both of us basking in the attention and accepting the reality of our confession. The initial awkwardness began to dissipate, replaced by a newfound sense of unity among our classmates.

The classroom gradually returned to its usual rhythm, with students resuming their tasks, albeit with a renewed energy and curiosity. Conversations started to fill the air, blending with the sounds of pens scratching against paper and the shuffling of textbooks.

As the day drew to a close, I walked alongside Suzune, our hands still intertwined. The support and acceptance of our classmates had brought us closer together, reinforcing the strength of our bond. With each step we took, we knew that our journey as a couple would be filled with both challenges and shared moments of happiness.

Love had indeed bloomed unexpectedly in the locker, and as we ventured forward, we were ready to face whatever the future held for us.
Thank you for reading!

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