Story Finale Part One

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The voice on the PA system tells everyone to take a seat or else mustard gas is going to to be released into the gym and fucking kill everyone. Everyone runs to their seats besides Kristi Duckfeet and Rebecca Dachshund because they're brain dead and don't listen, so gunshots echo throughout the gym and everyone looks at them. They both let out one last "bow bow bow bow" and "aye aye aye aye" and drop dead to the floor with holes in their fucking heads. The voice on the PA system says "If you don't listen to the rules of the game, you won't get a chance to play the game". With everyone now sitting in their seats, straps come flying out of the chair arms and electric shock collars come flying out the back of the seats around everyone's necks. Now everyone is restrained in their seats and can't move, the voice over the PA system says "you're all here having such a great time, but why wasn't I invited? Was I really that big of a loser? I have you all tied up now because you have all done horrible filthy things in life. Whether it be catfishing, bullying, or trying to steal jewelry from your highschool bully's house. You will all have a chance to redeem yourself tonight, but first I have a special guest I'd like to introduce you all to. BRING OUT THE TURKEY!!". Suddenly the entire gymnasium shakes, and there's a platform on the ceiling connected to metal chains that is slowly being lowered into the middle of the thanksgiving table. John Lola begins having a full blown fucking anxiety attack, and his rocking his chair back and forth but can't knock it over. John is so anxious he pisses himself and now there's piss all over the gym floor. The turkey has been lowered into the table but everyone starts screaming at the top of their lungs. It wasn't just a regular turkey, this was a human stuffed turkey. The stuffing and mashed potatoes John Lola had made have disappeared off the table and John realizes that the sides he made have been stuffed into the human turkey. John is now freaking the fuck out as always, and a voice over the PA system says "Let's eat guys. I made a nice turkey for you I hope you like it". Nicole McKinley and Troy Dracula are analyzing the turkey because being EMS workers they're so used to looking at dead bodies. They see the human turkey has been seasoned to perfection, golden crispy skin, an apple in the turkeys mouth, and stuffing with mashed potatoes falling out of the guts. Nicole and Troy recognize immediately that this is a middle aged persons body. The voice over the PA system says "John you will be taking the first bite. You never appreciated her enough, being malicious and fucking her over every chance you got." An electronic fork takes a big fat fucking stab and takes a big chunk with skin on it towards John's mouth. John is in tears begging and crying for his life, he is about to eat a piece of a human turkey. John goes into full blown fucking autistic mental health crisis mode when he sees a stand of blonde hair on the piece of turkey in front of his mouth. He realized then that this is not just a human turkey, it's his widowed wife Milka Lola's dead carcass being bed to him on a rusty fork. The voice on the PA system says if John refuses to eat the turkey, he will be electrocuted to death. The fork slowly creeps towards John's mouth but he refuses to open his mouth. The voice on the PA system says John this is your last chance to take a bite before you end up like Kristi Duckfeet and Rebecca Dachshund. John refuses to eat his dead wife's body and the fork goes into full blown overdrive, spinning around in circles like a drill and drills a hole right through John Lola's fucking throat, and at the same time the electric shock collar around his neck is sending blue shocks throughout the entire table. Everyone is moaning and groaning at the pain because they're getting shocked now and screaming in fear because John Lola just got tortured to death and was being forced to eat his dead wife's body.

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