Growing up

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Hailey grabbed her coat off the coat rack beside the door "ok ill be ack soon is there anything else you need before I leave" jay shook his head "I think we are all good"

Hailey nodded her head before grabbing her keys "call me if you need me, the food should be almost done you called like 40 minutes ago" Jay nodded "yeah I'm sure it will be almost done by the time you get there"

Hailey opened the door "ok well I'm gonna get going" "love you" Jay said, "love you too" Hailey said shutting the door behind her.

After she left Jay got up and went to the kids playroom to see what Mia and Ava were doing, he walked in to see them playing. "hey daddy" Mia said playing with her American girl doll.

"hey baby, you and your sister playing nice?" jay asked looking down at her leaning up against the door frame. Mia nodded her head "yep", he smiled "good, mommy went to get our food so if you need anything ill be in the kitchen or living room ok", Mia nodded "ok daddy"

He turned around and walked out and over to Nevahes room where the door was closed. "Nevaeh can I come in?" he said gently knocking not he door. "yeah" he heard her yell out from the inside.

He opened the door and walked in "hey kiddo" he said, she was standing infront of the dresser, "hey dad" she groaned. "what's wrong" he asked concerned 

She shook her head "my stomach hurts", he looked at in surprise "still?", Nevaeh nodded her head "yeah it's been coming and going for a couple days, "listen when your mom gets back she might need to take you to the doctor"

Nevaeh rolled her eyes "you're so dramatic dad", Jay shook his head "no I'm not you ned too be checked out by a doctor" "ok fine" she said annoyed 

"I'm going downstairs if you need me" he said walking out and closing her back, he went to the kitchen to unload the dishwasher.

After that he went and laid down on the couch and turned on the tv, the hockey game was playing when Nevaeh came in. "dad" she said quietly and timid.

Jay could tell something was wrong, he turned the volume on the tv down, "what's the matter honey" he said sitting up, she sat down beside him "when's mom coming back" she asked, "I'm nit sure she went to pickup food so it shouldn't be long"

Nevaeh slowly nodded her head, Jay was concerned "sweetheart what's the matter", "its better if I just tell mom", Jay nodded "well your mom might not be home for another 20 minutes" Nevaeh just looked down at her lap.

"listen I won't pressure you however if its something urgent then you know you can tell me" Jay said rubbing her back, Nevaeh nodded "I-I think I got my period" she said not looking him.

Jays heart stopped beating but he tried to play it cool for her "oh uh ok well that's nothing to worry about right" she shrugged her shoulders. 

 "listen I'm going to call your mom so she can you whatever stuff you need, are ok for right now?", "my underwear have blood in them", "ok well just go change your clothes and put those in the washer" he said gently 

Nevaeh nodded her head "thanks dad", she got up and went to her room to put in some fresh clothes.

As soon as she walked out the room Jay called Hailey 

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