~Lazy Day~

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Jay and Hailey were sleeping peacefully, it was Saturday so there was no reason to wake up early. Though with the schedule they are used to its no surprise they wouldn't be able to sleep past 10, Hailey slowly opened her eyes and yawned.

She hadn't looked over to where her husband lays but she could feel there was more than just the 2 of them in the bed. She slowly turned around to see her little blonde girl sleeping peacefully with her arm stretched out over Jays bare chest.

She grinned, this was not a knew thing that would occur, many mornings her and jay would wake up to Mia in their bed. They still had no idea how she managed to sneak into their room and get between them with them waking up.

Hailey sat up carefully trying not to wake Jay or Mia she got out the bed and made her way to their youngest daughter's nursery to check on her, she quietly opened the door and walked over to the crib to see little Ava still sound asleep.

She smiled down at her before walking out the nursery and cracking the door behind her, then she walked across the hall to Nevaeh's room. She opened the door and peeped her head inside to see just like all the others Nevaeh was sleep.

She closed the door back and went downstairs to find Shep laying on his bed, he jumped up when he saw Hailey "there's my good boy" she said petting his head before taking him out the back door to let him run around in the fenced in back yard. She closed the back door leaving the dog outside and went to the kitchen to start breakfast. She pulled out a pan and put it on the stove before getting the bacon out the fridge and some pancake mix.

Jay yawned at averted his eyes to the little girl who was practically laying on top of him. He chuckled 'not again' he thought, he kissed the top of her head but instead of getting up he just laid there and watched her sleep.

He loved that little girl with everything he had and if she wanted to sleep on his chest every night of his life then that's what was gonna happen. He wrapped his arm around her back and snuggled her as if she could get any closer, he laid his head back down and got comfortable, shortly he drifted back off to sleep.

Hailey was busy cooking that she didn't hear anybody come down the stairs and into the kitchen, "hey mom" Nevaeh said tiredly, Hailey wiped her head around "oh morning sweetie I just checked on you a few minutes ago and you sleep"

"yeah I just woke up" she said which was obvious, "what are you cooking" she asked "pancakes, bacon, and eggs and theirs fruit in the fridge that I'm about the get out" Hailey responded. Nevaeh nodded before making her way to fridge to get out the orange juice.

Hailey turned her head to look at her "do you want me to pour that for you" she said eyeing the full bottle of orange juice that Nevaeh was carrying with both hands, Nevaeh shook her head "I got it" she said sitting it on the island.

"where's Shep?" she asked as she walked to the other side of the kitchen where the cups were "outside" Hailey responded. Nevaeh climbed up on the counter to be able to reach the cabinet where the cups where, Hailey couldn't help but grin at her. She was so independent and never asked for help on things that she thought she couldn't do herself.

"you know you could've just asked and I could've reached that for you" Hailey said even though se knew her daughter way to well to be thinking that. Nevaeh shrugged her shoulders while jumping down off the counter "its fine I got it"

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