Chapter 24: The End... -Jacob

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I woke up in Liam's room. Everyone was around me. I got up but just as I did I didn't feel good. I felt like my body was slowing down and giving up. My heartbeat was slowing.

As we walked to the waiting room, they told me everything that happened. I was poisoned! But I still feel that way. They split the antidote in half, but it worked fine on Liam, I think. But me, I feel terrible. It wasn't painful thankfully, I just felt sick. Maybe it was a side effect.

When we went in, I wasn't much better, I felt worse. Maddison was staring at me with a smirk on her face. I didn't know why. That was when I knew, I wasn't gonna live. Maddison must have done something.

I'll miss my family. I had the best family ever. My sister was a brat, but I was her favorite brother. My brother, he was my best friend. We did everything together. My mom and dad are the nicest people on the world. Now I will never see them again, because I know that I'm gonna die.

I fell on the floor. Unable to do anything. Diana came to me. I told her goodbye. She seemed confused. I looked at her and everyone else one last time. And I looked at Maddison. She mouthed some words. I couldn't understand them all but what I understood was, "it was me, I poisoned you twice". I wanted to say something but it was too late I fell back and closed my eyes, and that was the end.

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