5 • AURORA ▪︎ who did this to you?

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When i ran down the stairs, i ran out of the house and into my car before anyone could notice me.
Everything that happened in the last ten minutes was a blur, but i could still feel the remains of matt's touch on my skin.
It burned whitout his hands on me. It felt empty.
My cheeks were still red from the way he'd made me melt. Thank god he was holding me up,because my knee's gave out the moment he forced me to keep eye contact whit him.
What was i even saying? Did i tell him that i dont hate him? Shit, shit, shit.
But i almost let him see the bruises. I cant let that happen. I'd almost slipped my cover, And so little accident can break the whole cycle.
It was just too close. I need to stay away from him before he gets involved in my own mess. I cant let that happen. Not to him.
I drove home and muffled myself in my bed before dad arrived home.
He spent atleast half an hour yelling downstairs.  He was drunk, like always. I heard glass breaking too, so he probably broke things. But i'd clean up in the morning when he'd be passed out on the couch.
Somehow,I fell asleep.


I woke up to two texts the next morning.
One, from nick telling me that were having dinner at theirs tonigth whit my dad, and another one from matt asking me if we could talk. I ignored them. I wasnt ready yet to talk to matt.
The remains of alex's voice was now long gone, muffled by his snoring when i made my way downstairs.
A vase, a cabinet's door. A couple of plates and mugs. My moms favourite painting.
Tears filled my eyes to the brim so much i couldn't see. I made my way across the glass shards and picked up the remains of the painting. The glass pierced my fingers, cutting my fingertips and blood started to stain them, but i didnt care. My shaky hands collected the painting pieces and between the glass i tip-toed to the counter where i sat up, placing the glass next to me.
I tried to redo it.  I tried to re-place the pieces, maybe i can make it whole again. But i couldn't. 
The painting was gone. She was gone.
That was my last reminder of her in this house, and its broken. Gone.
Alex always tried to forget mom as much as he could. Take her away from me in every way possible, that was his goal.
I wasnt letting him. I held my point for years and stood on my feet infront of him, but this was my breaking point.
I sobbed while curling my knees to my chest, hugging them around whit my hands.
The sobs must have woken up alex, because he got up from the couch and took one last sip into his beer before looking at me.
" what the fuck are you sobbing for? "
His voice felt like a knife thru thick ice.
He slowly made his way closer to me, and i crawled backwards on the counter until i backed into the wall.
His eyes softened for a minute before going black again.
He saw the painting.
"Because of this fucking painting? This is worth nothing. Worthless piece of furniture." He scoffs before swatching his eyes back to me.
" i told you not to cry over that fucking whore, didnt i?! " he grabbed my arm, pulling me off the counter and to my feet.
Thats when the beats started. Everything went black, and suddenly i was on the floor.
The pain didnt stop. I had no idea what he was doing it whit. I couldn't see a thing.
I tried my hardest to re-gain my memories of mom and focus on them, but it was too late. There wasnt anything holding me up. Nothing to stay standing for.


I woke up again, this time on the floor. My head spun around like crazy, but i regained conciousness fast. Memories flodded my brain and i tried to get up.
It hurt like hell. Everywhere. Bruises, green, purple.  Everywhere and on every corner of my body.
I took the steps slow, one at a time before arriving upstairs.  The shower was running in alex's room. He never takes showers until were going somewhere, so why was he showering?
I made my way into my room and to my phone.
7:30 pm.

8:30..8:30? What was.. shit.
Dinner. Matt. Sturniolos. Me and alex.
I rushed as much as i could and covered the visible bruises that my dress didnt cover whit foundation. The sundress i put on was long, and i had thick thigths on.

Smth like this

I stared at myself for a few minutes before regaining my mind and going downstairs

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I stared at myself for a few minutes before regaining my mind and going downstairs. 
Alex was already waiting downstairs.  He was drinking another beer,which was probably a bad idea because marylou always noticed if dad had drank and would make us kids stay away from him. Even if just for that dinner, marylou was my saviour.
I followed him outside the car and sat behind him. The whole car we both stayed quiet,  the radio's wrecked sounds cutting thru the thick silence and tension.
When we arrived, nick and chris greeted me along whit marylou and jimmy.
Matt stood in the kitchen, leaning his back on the counter. He kept his eyes on me while i made my way next to him, copying the way he was standing.
"Nice to see you actually look presentable for once." matt shot me a smirk. He'd expect me to turn back whit an insult, but when i didnt his eyes softened and he tilted his head while turning away from the others, crowding me and basically fielding me.
" are you okay? "
" Im fine. " i crossed my arms over my chest. Matt could get me to open up anytime, but this time i promised myself i wouldn't drag him into my mess.
He hummed before returning to his recent place. Soon enough, everyone was seated at the table and chatting filled the entire room. Alex was seated opposite of me, next to matt. Matt had sneaked glances at me since ive arrived but i didnt give in to his soft eyes. Although they were very tempting.
I took another bite of my food when alex cleared his throat. " dont you think you've had enough, aurora? " he pierced me whit his eyes. The food seemed to stop at my throat, all coming back up when the whole entire table went quiet.
Atleast three people spoke up, but i stopped everyone " no its okay. Your rigth, dad."
That was the first time i called him dad and not alex in months.
I took a sip of my water, and matt gave me another soft eye-contact. He tilted his head to the side and my shaky hands gave out. The cup fell, the water soaking me.
The table burst into caos, but i got up and shook my head whit a soft smile.
" no uhm- its okay. I have some clothes in nick's room, so i'ii go change." Alex shot me a glare before i walked upstairs.
I took my dress off, tracing the brusises whit my fingers. I stopped myself in my tracks of having a breakdown when tears were already trailing down my face. I grabbed a shirt and put it o-
The door swung open, and someone entered.
I grasped onto the shirt and held it close. I bit the inside of my cheeks so hard i tasted blood.
" aurora?.." the soft voice broke.
I was standing there in underwear, my bruises complitely visible.
Matt came closer to me, i could hear the creaks of his steps coming closer.
His fingertips trailed my bruises softly.
i let out a quiet gasp but continued to stand there, speechless. My tears had turned into waterfalls.
His fingers softly caressed my body before soft lips touched my skin.
Soft kisses, all over my body.
He was kissing all of my bruises.
My heartbeat quickened and my tears dissapeared.  His lips felt like medicine to my skin. The puzzle and key to every single door.
His hands traveled back to my waist and he slowly turned me around. I squeezed my eyes shut, not ready to see his face.
" aurora, please.. look at me." His voice was soft and slow.
I opened my eyes, and his thumb wiped my tears from my face.
" who did this to you? "
My face melted into his touch and comfort filled me from head-to toe.
" alex.." my voice came out shaky and trembling.
" your dad? "
I shook my head. " mhm. But i dont call him dad. Ever."
His jaw tensed and his grip thigthened on my waist.
"Matt, please-"
" im going to kill him. He'll be dead in a few days. "
His confession sent shivers down my back.
He didnt look like he was joking.  Ive never seen him this mad.
" come here. "  his eyes softened again when they made their way back to me.
He opened his arms and i buried my face in his chest. He placed a soft kiss on my forehead, his hand soothing my back.
"It'll all be okay. I promise.  As long as im whit you, no one touches you again."

Now.. opinions people?
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