Onion Boy.

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"For the first time in four years, the university will be holding the Performing Arts Show Quest!" Banchan had never before looked so well rested and happy. He had his hands on his hips as he walked around, eyeing each one of us like a dad after mowing a perfect lawn.

"Drama department will be there; other dance groups will inevitably be there; Seungmin has decided to abandon us because he wants to sing—"

"Bullshit, Chan!" Seungmin protested beside me, "I specifically told you that I would still dance with you guys, but I also want to do a solo stage. If I win, suck it up and cheer for me."

Laughter filled the room and Chan gave us that huge smile that only ever made an appearance when he was truly optimistic that we'd win something. Nowadays, considering it was all of our last years, everything was a competition to be won to us. "Yeah I know," he chuckled, "all the best, Minnie. Okay, moving onward I want our full focus for the next three weeks to be purely on this Show Quest. It's our last time to shine all together; we don't know where we'll all be in the next few years, so make this count, alright?"

"Yes!" Our voices boomed unanimously, making Chan's face light up even more if possible.

"Okay! This whole next song has been choreographed by DanceRacha, as usual. I think it's the most suitable song and dance style to really show what we can do; but I want all of us to be happy with this, so they're going to give a quick demo. Lix, Leeknow, why don't you come up here."

He stepped aside and Leeknow and I took his place in front of the mirror. There was a slight tensity to how Leeknow was looking at me that had been there ever since I'd called in sick. It had been a few days since then, but he always seemed to stare at me as if I was seconds away from falling apart in front of him. I didn't know how to ease his worry; all I could do was carry on living normally until he got over it.

We tapped fists lightly when we got up, seemingly in agreement not to be weird for the time being. This last performance would be huge for all of us, that was the main focus at hand. I smiled at him, egging him on as we usually would in a 'lets see who dances better' kind of way.

The song began and we moved toward each other at the same time, the duo dynamic working better than ever as we went through each stage of the choreography. We had gotten to know each other's movements so well over the years, the both of us had kind of begun to sync so perfectly with every new dance. I liked that we knew each other like that; like we could read what the other was doing just by a glance. But it also worried me what Leeknow might be thinking now; because he could obviously tell I liked Hyunjin, and he didn't like it apparently— I didn't know what to make of that.

We finished the choreo and Leeknow gave me a pat on the back, "nice." He muttered, but that was all. He walked back to the group who were all buzzing with excitement.

Jeongin came up to me with a huge smile, "well done, as always, Yongbok." He said, cheery.

I sighed and wiped my forearm across my face, "thanks, Ayen." I said. I tried to soften my tone for him, but the only thing that had been on my mind since that afternoon in the art museum was...well, everything. I'd barely managed to memorise the choreography, my mind had been so chock full of thoughts and doubts. I was worried, mostly, that I'd accidentally ruined my chances of any kind of relationship with Hyunjin.

He'd been so cryptic and vague, using my Apollo and Daphne metaphor as some kind of outlet to whatever secrets he had been keeping. But I'd replayed his words over both in my head and aloud for the last three days and still had no idea what he had even meant by it.

'Maybe Daphne didn't want Apollo's perfect, flawless idea of her to be tainted in any way."

I didn't know which one of us was supposed to be Daphne. Did he think I'd conjured up some kind of idea in my head about him being perfect? If so, I thought for sure he was wrong. Quite obviously, Hyunjin was nowhere fucking near perfect or flawless... well, not personality wise anyway. I had to admit, it was pretty damn hard to remind myself that he was an asshole when every other aspect of him made me weak in the knees. But I barely knew him as it was, and the one thing I actually could confirm about him, was that nobody within a thousand mile radius knew jack shit about him. It was frustrating, to say the least.

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