Wanna go Eat Ramen?

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It had been a few days. I'd been so caught up learning the new choreography that the days had passed all too quickly. Nevertheless, the weekend had been on my mind; especially when I got home after classes and Hyunjin's name would appear on my phone screen. We'd been texting since Wednesday.

Hyunjin - Hi, just checking you're still good for Saturday?

It had been the first text between us, and my heart jumped to my throat. I had to calm myself down before answering with a cool,

Felix - Yeah, of course.

And then,

Felix - How's your week been?

He didn't reply for a while,and I considered deleting the message altogether, but as my finger hovered over it, the 'read' symbol popped up underneath it. Again, my thoughts spun violently.

Hyunjin - the usual. Y'know, art, art, Han being a shithead, more art :b

I couldn't help the smile creeping onto my face. He was making jokes; that felt good. It wasn't as awkward as I thought it would be.

Felix - you love him, don't lie

Felix - you're just a big softie lol

The ellipsis appeared and went away a few times before disappearing completely, and I felt left alone again. Damn it, why did that always happen to me? I waited a while but he didn't reply after a few minutes, and I assumed he'd either gotten busy or felt weird about my message. I didn't really see how, but it was Hyunjin, I hardly knew the extent of his complexity. Shit.

I sighed and threw my phone onto my bed, too tired and slick with the day's sweat to struggle with my emotions. I hoped a hot shower would wash the clouds away from my mind. My phone dinged as I walked toward the bathroom but I ignored it; if Hyunjin was finally replying, he could wait. If it was Leeknow, I'd deal with his annoyance in the morning. I hadn't talked to him about my outburst at the beginning of the week— we'd both been too busy anyway, and it didn't seem like a topic either of us were keen to take up. Thankfully, practices hadn't been tense or anything; we had a way of compartmentalising as a group, adapting to leaving problems between us at the door. But I knew I'd have to apologise for what I'd said sooner or later, I just didn't know how to. It had been a while since it happened, and I got the feeling I'd have to tell him about being Hyunjin's model reference. I definitely couldn't handle whatever reaction he'd give after that.

I ran my hands through my hair a few times, as if combing all my stressful thoughts from my scalp and letting them sink down the drain. It must have been at least an hour I was in there, just standing under the warm water, feeling every stream of water down my body like veins. Eventually Seungmin got worried about me, and took to slamming the bathroom door with his fists asking if I was taking a shit with the shower still running.

"I'm almost done!" I yelled back, turning the water off. I wrapped a towel around my waist and opened the door, just catching a glimpse of the concern of Seungmin's face before it was overridden by his peeved facade. I smiled and he clicked his tongue.

"Why'd you take so long?"

I shrugged, "it was warm, I didn't want to get out."

I didn't miss the familiar observation in Seungmin's eye as he gave me a quick look-over, like a pat down, probably checking for scars or bruises. Deja vu hit and my polite mood was crushed; I didn't do that kind of thing anymore and he should have known it. I brushed past him back to my room.

"Felix..." he said, and I turned to glare at him, only for all my annoyance to be melted by the look on his face. He really was worried about me, and it was rare that he ever showed it.

The Last Piece of Me {HyunLix}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora