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i didn't expect Tom to come to the game, so i was surprised when Bella and i found him sat in the box.

"what?" he frowned.

"i didn't think we'd see you here," i said.

"i love quidditch," he replied. "why wouldn't i come?"

i shrugged and sat beside him, Bella taking the seat next to me.

"do you play?" Bella leaned over me to ask.

"yes, i'm sometimes seeker, more often chaser." Tom surprised me. "what about you?"

"what a coincidence, i'm a chaser too." she grinned, then nudged me. "what about you, Aura?"

i rolled my eyes—Bell knew full well.

"what a coincidence," i mimicked her. "i play chaser as well."

Tom nodded.

"you gave to be very skilled to play seeker." i glanced at him. "how on earth do you spot the snitch?"

"i have an eye for pretty little things," he shrugged.

Bella pinched my leg hard and i kicked her shin, ignoring Tom's comment and her over-the-top reaction.

"so does this mean that you'll be going to the try-outs tomorrow?" i asked.

"i don't know if i'll have time for quidditch. you know, what with... all the other stuff." his eyes shone.

"you and your stuff," i muttered. "there's always time for quidditch."

"will you be trying out?"

"of course," i grinned. "Bella and i live for quidditch."

"maybe i'll see you there, then."

Bella cleared her throat and re-joined the conversation. "wanna bet on the players?"

"of course," it was one of our ages old traditions. "Tom?"

"sure," he shrugged.

"i'll bet a galleon Lucius will score the first goal." Bella pulled out some coins.

"i bet one it'll be Cissa." i countered, reaching into my pocket for my money.

"one galleon on everyone else." Tom grinned.

"how is that fair?" Bell protested. "that means your chances are like... five to one!"

"and?" he put his coin on the sill of the box.

Bell huffed and slammed her coin down, and i did the same with a scoff.

"problem?" Tom asked.

i lifted an eyebrow as the rest of the head-students filtered into the box, taking up the rest of the seats.

"Isaurelia, Tom," someone behind us called.

"what is it, Potter?" Tom's pleasant mood changed instantly.

"this box is for head students only," James looked pointedly at Bella. "as i'm sure you're both aware."

"then do something about it." Tom folded his arms.

"Bellatrix needs to leave. now."

"i'm good." she smiled, stretching comfortably in her seat.

"that's an order." James' voice wavered.

"an order?" Bella looked him up and down. "why should i listen to you?"

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