3~ Broken

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Siri quietly cried as she took as many clothes and essentials as she could while Taehyung slept. Her heart ached with each piece of clothing she stuffed into the bag. Ached with every word she wrote on the little letter she left him. Ached when she gently kissed his forehead, cheek and nose goodbye.

But it had to be done. They had to part because they now know they wanted different things in life. Better to end things sooner rather than later so they can move on and find their 'one.'

Except Siri knew Taehyung was her 'one.' It was just that she wasn't his...

Siri stayed with her best friend Solar who lived with her boyfriend Eric. She stayed with them for a couple weeks while she slowly moved her things out of the apartment she shared with Taehyung when he wasn't home.

During that time, Taehyung hated coming home to find bits of Siri were gone. He'd find their walk-in wardrobe would have something of hers missing every two or three days and it made him cry. Made him hate himself more for bringing up the topic of children, even though it would've happened at some point. He just never imagined he would lose his first love.

While staying with Solar, Siri looked for new apartments but then found herself wanting to move back to her hometown to be with her parents. This city wasn't her home anymore because her home was with Taehyung. Since they had to part, she needed to find a new home– or more like go back to her original home till she could mend her broken heart. She also wanted to give Tae the chance to move on and he might not be able to do that if she still lived close by.

Over the next few years, Siri travelled to Europe and around Asia. She did the things she hoped to do with Taehyung but ended up doing by herself.

When Siri tried to date again, she made sure her online dating profiles said she was 'childfree' and that under no circumstances would she change her mind. There was no man who could convince her to have a child. She's already met the perfect man who would be the father to her children if she wanted them, but since she said no to that perfect man, she certainly wasn't going to say yes to anyone else.

She slept with a few guys here and there and tried entering a couple relationships. Except her heart couldn't commit to anyone, especially when the one man she wanted to spend her life with still had her heart.

Siri was shocked when she saw Taehyung's engagement announcement on his instagram three years after their break up. She was happy for him, yes, but it still broke her heart. She knew she couldn't be jealous or mad though because it was what she wanted for him.

She was just hurt thinking that they dated for six years and yet she didn't get a proposal, but there he was, engaged to someone who he hadn't been with for as long as her.

And then a year later he got married.

Siri broke all over again after seeing a few of his wedding photos and she cried for three days straight. He obviously found the right woman and she knew he was probably making those babies he's always wanted.

She kept telling herself this was a good thing and that this was what she wanted for him. She wanted him to be happy and he is. She just hated herself for not being that woman for him. She hated that she disliked children but she couldn't help how she felt about them.

Now, after five years of being away from the city where she and Taehyung used to flourish, Siri moved back. She had the opportunity and the money to buy a dog grooming business and she didn't want to pass that up. The owners wanted to retire and since they knew Siri from when she previously worked with them before her break up with Taehyung, they happily sold their business to her. Everything was all set up, staff got to keep their jobs and the place already had its clients, so it made things easy for Siri to take over. She just had to move back.

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