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ᵇᵒᵇ ᶠⁱʳᵉˢ ᵗʰᵉ ᵏⁱᵈˢ

Lily was cleaning tables when her dad got some mail of his childhood toys. She wasn't dumb, she knew her dad had a rough childhood. His mom was gone just leaving him and her grandpa.

"Huh, the return address is my dad's old restaurant. That's weird." Bob said opening the box.

"There's a note. It's from those ladies who bought your dad's place." Her mom said picking up the note.

Lily and her dad could see his old toys. Her dad had a big smile looking at them making Lily sad thinking this is what he had.

"Dear Bob, the workmen found this box when they were redoing the air vents. We were afraid it had vibrators in it. Boy, were we relieved." The note said making Lily cringe.

"If you think about it, any box could have vibrators in it." Tina said.

"Not the time Ti." Lily said to her.

"Oh, my God, it's my toys! Wow, I haven't seen these since I was just a kid. I used to hide it from my dad, because he didn't want me to have toys during work hours." He said then showed his children the toys.

He try to explain that times were different. As her younger siblings trying to play with his toys.

"Those are nice dad." Lily said looking at his soap dog that Gene broke.


Lily had her break, she was sitting on the beach while her siblings were at the restaurant. It was summer break, another year of high school.


She turned to see Logan and his two friends. Lily rolled her eyes seeing the skateboards and shoes in their hands.

"What do you want?" She asked them.

They sat next to her and showed the teenage girl a box of blueberries.

"Want one?" He showed her the box.

She just smirked at him and took some blueberries. Then she saw the bottom to see some blunt rolled up. Lily went in her jacket pocket to saw the boys her lighter.


She was little stoned walking back to the restaurant. To see her dad pushing her younger siblings out of the restaurant. Her sister yelling at her parents as they ran back to their bikes. She walked up to the door to see Mickey with a aporn.

"What's going on?" She asked but the door was locked.

Her dad opened the door to see his teenage daughter. He didn't say anything when he saw her eyes were little red and smells earthy.

"I fired your siblings." He said to her.

Lily nod but noticed her mom looking at her strangely. Mickey could tell too, the smell wasn't strong but if you knew, you knew.

"Lily, please tell me that's not the smell, I think it is." Bob said to his daughter.

She just sighed but she wasn't going to lie to him. Linda gasp and went through her pockets.

"Oh my God, my baby is a pothead!" Linda said.

Mickey gasped looking at the girl. Linda found some blueberries and her pink lighter that had bunnies on it.

"I'm not, I just hangout with them. Summer fun." She said to them.

Her dad sighed in disappointment at her. Mickey made some coffee for the parents.

"No more breaks, you can only break here or upstairs." He said making her nod.

Her mom started to rant that Lily was going to ruin her life with drugs. She was shocked to hear Mickey taking her side.

"She could have not told the truth. Lily could have lied and not shown up for work. It's a lot more than some." He said to Bob.

She was just sitting at the booth, Mickey got her a cup of water for her cottonmouth. It was a lot for Linda to understand, she was just ranting leaving Lily alone.

"Just go upstairs." Bob said to her.

She watched how her dad was trying to calm her mom down. Lily went upstairs to her room to play the smiths and relax on her bed.

She just went to asleep to hearing someone throwing little rocks at her window. She got up to turn down her music to open her window, she looked down to see the blonde haired boy.

"Belcher! Let me come up." He said to her.

Her window was right next to the fire escape. He just has to jump on the big trash bins to go on the ladder to her window. She just smirked seeing him struggle getting up.

"Hurry up, before I lock my window." She said to him.

He finally made it to her window, his face was little red from the summer heat. She let him come in her room.

"Just you and me." He said to her with a grin.

thank you

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