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     They compromised. Matt allowed himself to be tied back into the sack without being tied up first. He was sitting in the backseat behind Darwin, feeling hot and crowded, the stupid bag tied around his neck. Matt leaned moodily against the door, staring out at the passing scenery. He'd definitely been unconscious for some time after the incident with the thugs. He didn't recognize anything from outside the car. Matt wanted to cry when a sign announced they had entered another state. They'd traveled hundreds of miles from everything he knew, but Darwin didn't seem to be near their destination. He simply drove on and on with no end in sight.

    Now, at the end of yet another day, Matt hoped that they'd be stopping soon. So far, the only time that Darwin had let Matt out of the bag was to pee. Otherwise, when they stopped, Darwin would tie a rope around him, further trapping Matt's hands, and then toss him, bag and all, into the trunk with tape over his mouth. That was aggravating. Matt had strongly considered kicking the trunk to try to draw attention to himself. Doing that would only make Darwin tie him up again at best or get someone innocent killed at worst. Darwin had made it clear that he'd do whatever he had to do in order to bring Matt to this Foundation where they were headed. He'd already shown himself capable of shooting people. There was nothing Matt could do. He curled up inside the bag, glad he had at least that much movement, and watched the world go by as he was taken farther and farther away.

     Now, though, the sun had set. At long last, it looked like they were slowing down. Matt straightened, seeing yet another dilapidated motel up ahead and hearing Darwin turn on the signal. "We're stopping finally?"

     "Yeah, I'm beat." Darwin paused, glancing back at Matt in the rearview mirror. "Although...?"

     Matt frowned, realizing that Darwin was pulling off the side of the road. "Wait, what are you doing? The motel is still up ahead."

     "Yeah, but you can always sleep back there." Darwin put the car in park and came around to open Matt's door. "C'mere."

     "Wait, what are you...? Hey!" Matt kicked at Darwin, but the Hunter pulled him forward to where he could lay a hand on Matt's cheek. "Stop touching me! Hey!"

     Once again, Matt felt the slight drain. He frowned, wondering exactly what he'd just healed on Darwin. But then he looked at the Hunter and saw the signs of fatigue he'd been displaying seconds ago were gone. Darwin looked like he'd just awakened from a full night's sleep. "Oh yeah, that's the stuff," Darwin groaned. "Perfect! Now you rest and sleep it off overnight, and I'll keep driving. We'll get to the base in no time at this rate."

     "The base? Is this Foundation some kind of..." Matt trailed off, seeing Darwin cheerfully climbing back behind the wheel. "Hey, wait, we're not stopping now?" He blinked. "Did I...?"

     "You're finally getting it," Darwin cheered. "Now, you just rest, kid. You do the resting and keep me going so I can do the driving."

     "Oh, get stuffed!" Matt kicked at the bottom of the bag. "I need to be let out once in a while. And I don't appreciate being touched, ok? Not if I can't help what I can do. You already said my life was over. Can't I have even that much?"

     The back of Darwin's balding head offered the only response he got. Miserable, Matt curled up in the bag and tried his best to get comfortable.


     They traveled for days, Matt sleeping in the backseat except when he was in the trunk. Thankfully, the only times Darwin tied him up again was when he left the car hidden for a time to get supplies. The only time it was longer than a few minutes was when he finally made good on his offer to get Matt some clean clothes. That had been the most uncomfortable part of the entire trip. Then came the humiliation of washing up and changing at a small, freezing-cold stream with a rope tied around his waist and Darwin keeping a watchful eye on him the entire time from the bank. But at least he felt better after donning the new clothes.

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