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     "Arthur and Connie-J are back," Porter whispered into his ear. "You want to put together a welcome home party for 'em?"

     Reynolds nodded. Arthur and Conrad had grown increasingly antagonistic toward each other, leading the Board to assign one or the other away from the lighthouse almost constantly. Their endless feud disrupted the peace, something few Hunters would tolerate. After all, the lighthouse was the closest thing any of them had to a place of rest. Reynolds, whose room was only a few doors down from Arthur's, had been disturbed multiple times by the two shouting in the hall. He had warned them for the last time. Now, he was more than ready to get back some of his own.

     It was quite satisfying to pound on Arthur and Conrad. He only got a few token hits in, mostly lost in the flurry of blows the rest of the group was dishing out. He'd already stepped back by the time two strangers dressed in recruit onesies dove into the fray to rescue them.

     Reynolds watched as the two recruits helped the beaten Hunters up and got them to their table. The two were young, younger than he was, subjectively, and attractive. The girl in particular was beautiful, yet she had a strength in her. The anger in her eyes now as she looked at their injuries reminded him of Imbago. Curiosity getting the better of him, Reynolds headed over. That was how he found out the new recruits were not only siblings but twins and strongly considered stabbing both Arthur and Conrad where they sat. Instead, he healed the two. Afterward, when he returned to his lonely table, his heart pounded from more than the strain of healing. The twins were being mentored by Arthur and Conrad? What had they done to deserve that?

     Reynolds put his money down on the brother to succeed. He watched them from a distance when he could. Madison, the sister, drew more than her share of attention. Reynolds knew he wasn't the only one following her career with more than a professional interest. Unfortunately, Madison was all professional. That was unexpected. When word got out that the beautiful young recruit was a reality bender, every available male in the lighthouse found excuses to be around. Everyone knew reality benders were sex fiends, but to everyone's surprise, she showed no interest whatsoever in the opposite sex, her own sex, or sex in general. The only thing she seemed interested in was training.

     Then word went out that she'd hooked up with Conrad, and Reynolds thought he understood.

     Conrad was completely unprepared when Reynolds, who had been waiting in the hall, charged into him, slamming him against the opposite wall before forcing him into one of the training rooms. Conrad quickly broke free, getting into a fighting stance to face his opponent. "Reynolds?" he spat, looking disgusted. "What the hell do you want?"

     "I want to hear what you have to say for yourself," Reynolds told him as the two circled warily. "After all your bullshit about me and my trainer and then Diaz, you turn around and screw your trainee's sister?" Reynolds shoved him. "You had the nerve to call me a backstabber when you're busy training one twin and fucking the other?"

     "Fuck you, Reynolds!" Conrad shoved back. "Not that it's any of your concern, but Maddy and I have something special."

     "That didn't seem to matter when it came to me and Imbago."

     "You didn't seem to care when you were getting free ass from Diaz."

     Reynolds attacked. For a time, Conrad gave as good as he got, but while the ginger Hunter was an expert swordsman, he couldn't hope to match Reynolds in hand-to-hand. Before long, Reynolds was perched on Conrad's back, twisting the taller Hunter's arm behind his back. "I thought you learned your lesson about mouthing off about healers?" Reynolds hissed down at his captive.

     "I got nothing against Diaz," Conrad snarled. "It's you I can't stand."

     Reynolds jerked Conrad's arm, causing the other Hunter to yelp in pain. "If you hurt Madison Thatcher?" Reynolds growled. "If you're just using her, so help me, I will do everything in my power to make your life a living hell. You know I can. Don't ever piss off the people responsible for patching you up after a bad mission."

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