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     Matt expected to hear something in the morning, but when his alarm went off, all he had waiting for him was his first class. He heard nothing at all for the entirety of that day. Nor did he hear anything on the next, or the next, or the next. A week passed with nothing ahead of him but more classes and long hours in the medical ward. His hopes fell. He tried asking about Arthur and learned that the man was one of the two most reviled Hunters in the entire Foundation. When a small group of Hunters had gone on strike in protest against the Board of Overseers, he and another Hunter had attacked the ringleader, breaking the strike and the morale of the Foundation's Hunters. Considering his current thoughts about the Overseers, Matt couldn't understand why any Hunter wouldn't join in on such a strike. Then, when he learned that the strike leader was Arthur's former trainee and lover, Matt finally understood what had happened. Arthur liked to play games. He had no real allegiances to anyone. He'd told Matt what he'd wanted to hear, gotten him back inside, and now here he was, trapped once again. No. No more.

    Unfortunately, he wasn't sure what to do. Using drugs to end his life was out. Unlike in his own time, with everything kept on shelves in labeled bottles, the drugs available in this time were all contained in a massive machine that dispensed them to individual patients. Trying to pull a drug that didn't fit a patient's profile was all but impossible, and since he wasn't a doctor, he couldn't override the machine or alter anyone's profile. All of the Foundation's unused weapons were under lock and key. He was also constantly watched. After his abortive attempt with the box cutter, he was checked after each shift, and any blades he tried to spirit away were removed. He was even searched after leaving the cafeteria. He was monitored in the gym and the pool. The hated ankle bracelet was back around his ankle, preventing him from leaving. He was trapped. Again. He wanted to scream.

     With no other recourse, Matt resolved to shut himself up in his room, ignoring everything on his schedule, and go on a hunger strike. His cell phone rang so much that he turned it off within an hour. He stayed in his room, mindlessly watching whatever was on the television while ignoring his growling stomach. The television was certainly eye-opening. Sex was everywhere, flaunted openly, even between mixed-race and same-sex couples. Once he got over his initial shock, he discovered it made no difference to him as long as everyone involved was on board. They certainly looked happier than he felt. Curious, he checked his computer. What these people had gone through to get to this point was amazing. Women, as he'd learned that first day, could fill any job role they wished. So could men. Few cared anymore about where someone was from, what color their skin was, or what gender they were. The only thing that mattered was that the person could do their assigned job. That was refreshing. He got so interested in learning about the history he'd missed that he didn't notice when someone entered his room until a heavy hand fell on his shoulder.

     Startled, Matt whirled around. He saw a woman who appeared to be in her late twenties. Her skin was dark, and her hair caught up in a brightly-colored head wrap. She wore simple yet exotic jewelry made from metal and polished stone, a light blue loose top, and a long, colorful skirt. Her feet were in work boots that looked oddly out of place, as did the grey coat and the array of weaponry. The unmistakable shape of a flask was visible in her coat. Her face wasn't beautiful, but it was symmetrical and attractive, with sharply defined cheekbones, a narrow chin, and wide dark eyes. Right now, she was scowling at him. "What are you doing?" she demanded with a thick accent that blew the potent scent of alcohol into his face. "You are supposed to be packed up and moved by now. You were due for evaluation half an hour ago! Why aren't you answering your phone?"

     "Because I don't care about what the Overseers have planned for me anymore," Matt declared, angrily shrugging off her hand. "Since they're obviously choosing to ignore my requests, I'm done with them and their demands. Just leave me alone."

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