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     Pzinski's second mission took far, far longer than Reynolds had anticipated. He supposed he shouldn't fret. Pzinski was capable, after all, and he had Clemens with him, but seeing Walsh's evident anxiety was creating matching anxiety in Reynolds.

     Finally, Reynolds couldn't stand it anymore. Before he could think more about it, he marched up to Walsh. "What's wrong?" he demanded of the anxious Hunter. "What's taking so long?"

     Walsh nervously rubbed at the back of his neck. "Nothing," he said too quickly. "I'm sure everything's fine. Just, this is the second mission, and that's a huge deal for many reasons."

     "Yeah, after this, Pzinski has only one more test to go before he's a Hunter," Reynolds said proudly. "He deserves it, too. He's worked hard. But that's a reason to be happy, not jumping out of your skin like you are. So what's wrong?"

     Walsh frowned. "Reynolds, your mission will be coming up if it's not already up. Shouldn't you be practicing?"

     There wasn't much that could be said after that. Confused and irritated, Reynolds made his way to the training room and picked up a practice sword. He'd just started practice when Imbago poked her head in. "Ah, there you are," she called, brightening as she entered. "I wondered where you'd gone without telling me. Why are you here all alone?"

     "Didn't want to disturb you." Reynolds remained focused on his stances, moving into the next one.

     Imbago watched, lips pressed together, and nodded. "You did benefit from Conrad's help."

     Hearing her admit that was a surprise, but it was welcome. He smiled at her, continuing with his program. She drew her sword and stood near him, working through her program while keeping an eye on him. "Why are you here? You're worried about Pzinski?"

     "Yeah," he admitted. "Especially since you've had us working more together, we're, well, maybe not friends because we're still competitors, but we're closer. I care about him."

     "And Pzinski?" She made a quick series of slashes in the air. "How does he feel about you? He cares about you, as well?"

     "More than he probably should, given we're probably going to fight each other eventually," Reynolds sighed. "That's what this is leading up to, right? A fight between us to prove once and for all who's the better Candidate? Then the winner gets to stay here, and the loser probably gets shipped off to some satellite base in the middle of nowhere. I'm not stupid, Imbago. I've been hearing some whispers. I know only one of us will be staying." He grimaced, seeing her freeze. "It's ok, I get it. We're against each other in the end, and that's why you want me to stay close to him. So he pulls his punches when the time comes. I still have a problem with that, for the record."

     Imbago never changed expression. She made a quick move, drawing her sword through an invisible enemy and bringing it up into a blocking position. "You are my Candidate before you're anything else to me. I'll do whatever it takes to ensure you're not taken from me."

     "Can't you request a reassignment?" he blurted without thinking. Seeing her look at him, he blushed and rushed ahead. "I mean, I get that the lighthouse is pretty much the place to be if you're a Hunter. The best of the best are right here, along with the best assignments. So it makes sense that you're here. Maybe, in a few years, I can get some missions under my belt and prove myself enough that I can..."

     "A few years? Ha!" Imbago performed a flawless spinning attack, once again ending in a blocking position. "You will never be taken from me. I will do whatever I must to ensure that, I promise you."

     Reynolds wasn't sure he liked the sound of that. He stopped, turning to face his trainer fully. "Imbago," he began, "this fight between me and Pzinski? You can't interfere, ok? If I lose to him, and I probably will, it will happen because I fought my best, and he was just better. I'm willing to accept..."

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