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heyy guys its me akioo !

i am so sorry for not posting for like.. OVER A YEAR.

i've been in school n my motivation has gone ALLLLL THE WAY DOWN . i'm working on a new story though (this) and chapters will come out everyday! if you have any questions, concerns, please feel free to dm me or comment to ask for my socials!

AND YES IM STILL WORKING ON THAT MIKADO STORY DONT WORRY! new chapter will prob come out in a couple of dayssss...

ok now for the real intro now that you know what's going on.

Q: What's this story about anyway?

A: I'm so glad you asked! This story is mainly about my oc's (original characters) THAT I HAVE BEEN WORKING MY BUTT OFF CREATIN A WHOLE ASS BACKSTORY FOR. This isn't just a regular story though, you'll see all of the experiences and events FROM THEIR POINTS OF VIEWS! Not just one character, not just two, not just three... well maybe three (it depends on how many main characters I decide to add) There will be a new POV every 2 chapters! I extended it to 2 because I want you all to see how their character is really like.

Q: Are any of the characters a reference to anything particular?

A: Good question! The only character that's actually a reference to someone is Nagisa. Who is it a reference to? Me. For the rest, sure, I reference them from characters I know, but no one irl. You'll probably see the similarities as we continue reading.

Q: Are you going to add jokes like you did in the other story?

A: Hmm... for now, it's serious. But I'll add a few jokes because it's not really a story if it isn't funny. Also, I'm being more literate now so be prepared to read. A LOT.

Alright, that's all of the questions I can think of. Now, I hope you all enjoy reading I have created! And sorry for the long wait, I'll be sure to post more! 

see youu

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