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Felix' pov

We ran upstairs as mom told us to, once we entered my room, we sat down at my bed.

"Do you wanna play family?" Margaret suggested, I nodded as we looked at Charlotte, who just shrugged.

"We'll take that as a yes then!" Me and Margaret jinxed, making us look at each other in awe before a cough disturbed us.

"So, who's gonna be parent?" "You'll be our mommy, Charlotte!" I said.

But then, I noticed Margaret giggling at something, I then looked at Charlotte and saw her face contorting.

It was kind of weird and funny so I giggled too.

"Fine, but don't call me mommy. It's weird and kinky." She said as we stopped laughing.

"Okay, mommy~" We teased her, making her roll her eyes at us.

After that, we pretended to be a baby and follow where Charlotte's going, and if she doesn't let us, we fake cry, which annoyed her for some reason.

"Kids, dinner time." Dad knock at the door and opened it, we stopped what we're doing and went downstairs.

We then sat beside each other, well Charlotte doesn't want to but Margaret forced her, leaving no choice but to sit beside me.

After that, we ate dinner and my parents chatted with their parents.

They we're talking about transferring Margaret and Charlotte in my school.

It was already Monday tomorrow, maybe Margaret and Charlotte with be a little late for class.

Anyways, after we finished eating dinner, mom and dad bid Margaret and Charlotte a goodbye.

"Now Felix, it's bed time and you have schools tomorrow" mom said, as she pushed me upstairs, "don't wanna be late tomorrow, right Lix?" dad added.

I nodded and went upstairs as they put me into bed, "Good night Lix, sweet dreams" mom said as she tucked me into my blanket.

I muttered a goodnight before they finally closed the door and turned off the lights.

Nobody's pov:

The alarm ranged loudly as Charlotte and Margaret both stirred, taking a long while to turn their alarms.

Charlotte got up and fixed her bed, as well as Margaret. It was Monday, and today was their first day in their new school.

Margaret went to the bathroom to get ready while Charlotte used the other bathroom.

After they both finished washing up, they changed into their clothes.

Their clothes have to be appropriate, so Charlotte wore a long sleeved button up shirt and a maroon sweater, topping it off with a navy blue pencil cut skirt and black knee high heeled boots.

Meanwhile, Margaret also wore a long sleeved button up shirt and wore a navy blue above calf skirt, and white socks and Mary Janes shoes to top it all off.

They both went downstairs after changing with their uniforms.

"Good morning mom, good morning dad", the two greeted their parents as they both sat at the dining table.

After their parents greeted them back, their mother, who was cooking their breakfast, served them it.

They ate it while chatting with each other before the two went back upstairs to brush their teeth and get their backpack.

Inside their backpack were just 12 notebooks, large pencil case, coloring materials and phones.

Yes, their rich and spoiled, but not to the point where their snobby and greedy.

They both went downstairs with their backpacks and bid their parents goodbye before going out to take school bus.

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