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Covenant Command Base

In the city of Skytron

Commander Outden stood near the window on the command deck, surveying the scene below. Beside him, Colonel Zinci was busy tapping away at his deskscreen. Outden yawned, raising his wiry eyebrows in disinterest. He didn't care for Sunterria's scenery or high-rise buildings adorned with precious gems.

However, the golden path stretching from the landing pad to the entrance of the Covenant's base caught his attention. Lining each side were plants with broad, vibrant leaves. He craned his neck to see how high the famous sun-fruit trees reached, odd yet beautiful with their thick trunks and branches. Their leaves shone as gold as the sand on the beach behind the base.

Outden's brows furrowed when he noticed tourists admiring the trees, thinking them foolish. The sight of the godly trees and their splendour only reminded him of times when they flourished on mere mortal planets-times long gone.

He silently cursed the Golden Table, who initially admired Endorian's abilities, only to fear those sane abilities later. Freesun had at least acknowledged them as something new. But then the Golden Table caused trouble over humanity's interest in their advanced weaponry and perceived it as a threat. Outden angrily exhaled, fogging up the window pane before him as he struggled to understand their reaction. Outden shook his head in disappointment. You'd think gods would be wiser and more all-knowing, but that assumption couldn't be more wrong.

Outden's gaze lingered on the base as the Supreme Star landed. A Covenant officer approached him and guided him toward the entrance. The ten-story building, with its gemstone slab walls infused with gems, did little to impress him. He looked into the fluorescent blue eyes of Elite Officer Jayden.

"Greetings, Commander Outden," said Jayden sarcastically. "How kind of you to grace us with your presence."

Outden offered an apologetic nod. "My apologies for not calling sooner."

Jayden shot him a stern look. He didn't want this unwanted guest here; however, he had no choice. Had Outden not understood the gravity of this summons, or did he not care? The thought unsettled Jayden as he led the human into the grand conference room.

Outden could feel the officer's stare and anticipated adverse reactions from the others once his plan was set in motion. He smirked at the thought of being taken into custody and the chaos it would unleash. Adjusting his jacket and regaining focus, he knew this wasn't a place for idle thoughts, especially under scrutinising Covenant eyes.

As protection, Outden wore an SD-50 device and an N-7 blocker on his right wrist, intending to toy with the SD-50 during his visit. The five-meter-high golden doors opened before them when Jayden waved his hand over a panel. The lush green plants hiding in shaded corners hardly raised his brows. The ceiling, on the other hand, overwhelmed him. Miniature starships lit the room with flickers of red, blue, and green light. Only air held them in their positions high in the ceiling. The walls were strange - orange-pink rock with gems, but the texture puzzled him. It looked spongy and delicate; however, when he touched the wall, it was hard as steel.

Outden's calm exterior took a beating. His creator sat at the top of the table, adorned with glittering gems. A greeting was in order. He exhaled, feeling as if he would have to haul out his words. In a split second, he questioned his suitability for the job. It annoyed him that this was the criticism Hana had shared with her fellow members while reviewing candidates for Commander of the base in Crystal Towers. The thought of her left a bad taste in his mouth. Hell no, he thought firmly, I will prove her wrong.

He'd have to bury his hatred of the Covenant and act politely, even if it killed him inside. Outden tugged his jacket, faced Freesun, and bowed, "Morning, Freesun. Nice to meet you."

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