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Gorren Research Labs


On the command deck, Raden and Nathan stared out the window in silence as the Supreme Star engaged in landing procedures. Neither had spoken much to the other during their two-day flight. Raden attributed Nathan's quietness to his delayed reaction to the unfolding events surrounding Gorren. The sight that greeted them on Lavedome was one of erupting volcanoes - a fearsome sight for a newcomer.

Nathan was so overwhelmed by the recent events that it took him some time to register exactly where they had landed. Fierce-looking robots guarded the entrance while fighter crafts roared above them. Nathan had to focus several times on the sign at the entry gate before he could make sense of it. He gasped when he finally read, "Gorren Military Station, Level Four Security in Place." On his previous trips to Lavadome, Supreme Star always landed at the Command Base. He thought he was imagining it due to all his stress lately. Then, he saw the wide grim on the Colonel's face, and reality set in.

Nathan turned to Peter, only to find him amused by his reaction. "It may have escaped your notice, Colonel, but I don't have security clearance," Nathan said with a hint of panic. When exiting the elevator, Raden offered a reassuring smile and guided him towards reception.

"Don't worry," Raden said as he clipped a security pass onto Nathan's jacket. "General Olensi and Hana have given you permission."

Nathan eyed Raden suspiciously while admiring his much sought-after level four clearance badge. Why now? He wondered, considering the countless times he had asked for access and been denied. Nathan gazed at the security gates ahead, excitement bubbling within him. I've wanted to see what goes on behind those glass doors my whole life. Today, I get to find out.

The security officers at the scanning machine gave him odd looks reserved for someone who had accidentally slipped into an unauthorised area. Raden grinned at Nathan and nodded to the officers as they passed the checkpoint. Just as Nathan was about to ask Raden a question, a female scientist strolling by caught his eye, his gaze locked onto her right wrist. Could that be an authentic Covenant communicator? As they continued down the hallway, he spotted a sign on one of the doors written in perfect Conji dialect, a shocking sight.

"What the hell!" Nathan gasped.

Raden watched Nathan's reaction and moved closer to him, raising an eyebrow. "Impressive writing, isn't it?"

Nathan rolled his eyes, feeling disoriented and uncertain whether he was in Skytron or Lavadome. "What is this place?" he demanded. "And why are the signs written in Covenant dialect?"

A big smile filled Raden's face. "This place is our hideout. For thousands of years, our species knowledge and research have been securely housed within the rock walls of this complex."

Nathan's eyebrows furrowed. Hideout from whom? He pondered. "Are you saying that we're not of the same species?"

They both stepped aside to let a cleaning robot pass through the corridor. The air wafted with the scent of lemon as the robot sped away. "That's right, Nathan. We haven't belonged to the same species for a long time." They entered an elevator and disembarked on the manufacturing level. Nathan found himself acutely aware of their subterranean depth, his gaze straining to catch a glimpse of the rocky ceiling but finding it impossible. No wonder the Covenant couldn't detect this place, he mused; it's deep inside a dormant volcano.

The facility seemed unusually quiet for a shipbuilding station, with engineers dispersed across the area. However, given its vast scale, it was undoubtedly busier than it first appeared. To his surprise, Nathan reached out to touch the coal-black wall. It looked rough but felt smooth and shined like a mineral rock. He heard chatter and welding noises above him and noticed windows high up along the black mineral wall. Was this even a wall? Nathan questioned internally.

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