Chapter 1

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Content Warning: This is an Omegaverse AU where the 27-year-old SatoSugu meets the 17-year-old SatoSugu. If you don't feel comfortable with this theme and age difference, I suggest you don't read this fic. Please read the tags carefully before deciding to proceed.

Author's Notes: Written for my friends Marv, Bia, Crow, Sera, and Nico. Also, happy birthday, Gojo Satoru! <3


Geto slams shut the door of his room. He stumbles inside, taking only a few steps before he collapses to the floor with a thud; his breathing is ragged and heavy. Winter is already at its peak, the temperature inside the dormitory is cool yet large beads of sweat cover his entire body. With much difficulty, he crawls toward his bed and struggles to climb onto it, instantly throwing himself to the mattress as the last bit of his strength has all been expended.

"Not good. Not good... Why? Why now? It isn't supposed to be here yet!"

He curls on the bed; the light complexion of his face soon shows a flush of red. Even though he remains lying there without moving an inch, his shoulders tremble visibly and he can barely feel his fingertips. In fact, the only thing he can feel right now is the rising temperature of his body.

That, and the dread enveloping his mind at the realization of a familiar heat emerging inside of him.

In a world where human beings are classified into three secondary sexes aside from the primary male and female, discrimination and stereotyping have long become a long-running issue in society.

The majority of people were born into the Beta category, the normal, regular kind of human beings like any other making up most of the world's population. A few were born Alphas, men and women blessed with superior genetics who are commonly regarded as the highest caste in society — for better or worse.

And then there are the Omegas, a direct opposite to the Alphas. They are the smallest minority group often seen as the lowest existence due to the fact that their reproduction cycle requires them to go into "heat" once every three months. It is a period when an Omega is the most fertile, when the pheromone they spread will incite all nearby Alphas into a rut — frequently causing unprecedented chaos with a high possibility of turning violent.

After all, it is in an Alpha's nature to instinctively breed and mark an Omega in heat as their mate. And once that mark is placed, the Omega will have to live with it for the rest of their lives, unable to bond with another Alpha ever again regardless of whether they like their current mate or not.

It does not matter if one is a powerful Jujutsu sorcerer or an ordinary human being. Once they present as an Omega, all pairs of eyes will instantly look down on them. "Omegas are mere breeding tools, an Omega without an Alpha partner shouldn't be allowed to roam around freely" — Geto has lost count of how many times he's heard those words being thrown around him; some at himself, and some at others like him. Even though medicines have been developed to suppress an Omega's heat, it isn't exactly a foolproof method to prevent such chaos from happening.

For example, during an occasion like this when the Omega's heat cycle somehow strays from the regular schedule.

"It shouldn't have come until another month. What should I do now? I haven't managed to purchase another batch of suppressants."

Geto's brain is running a thousand miles per hour, trying to come up with a way out of his current predicament. Unfortunately, every method he can think of does not seem like a feasible solution. He can barely walk across his own room, let alone take himself to the infirmary. Even if he can somehow muster the strength to do so, he will draw the attention of every Alpha he comes across on the way — and god knows what kind of disaster he would cause then.

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