Chapter 3

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The crescent moon hangs quietly in the sky above; the lights of stars shining in the far distance pale in comparison with the glimmering manmade illuminations blanketing the populous metropolis. The sound of car horns and the humming engines of vehicles fill the air; the murmurs of passersby and their shuffling footsteps loop and loop without an end like a broken record.

The same city, the same street, the same stores lining the sidewalks.

Here, in this place where they parted ways many years ago, the strongest sorcerer and the vilest curse user stand facing each other; their contrasting presences seem to draw no attention whatsoever from the bustling crowds. There is nothing but stillness between them; for a long time, they remain staring at each other, taking in the surrounding sounds and smells with their senses, before one finally breaks this silence.

"How laughable... To think that it throws us back right to this place, what a terrifying curse..." Geto laughs under his breath, "How are you feeling, Gojo-sensei? Did you forget anything behind? Want to return to the past to get it back?"

"...Can't say I need to do that," Gojo replies to him after a brief pause, "What about you then? The way I see it, you seem pretty fond of a certain someone. Why don't you take him with you?"

"After seeing those two practically confessing to each other without needing a single word? Please, I am not that heartless," Geto smiles and shrugs casually, "All this ruckus makes me lose my motivation to fight you. I'll go back for now and perhaps we can continue this another time. See you later, Gojo-sensei."


Yet Geto ignores him. The black-haired Omega turns on his heels, calmly walking away from that place. His back grows smaller and smaller with every step he takes; his black-clad figure slowly disappearing among the crowds of people.

At this sight, a familiar scene flashes in Gojo's mind. It was only for a split second, but more than enough to stir his emotions in an instant, making his fingertips numb. His fine white brows are pulled into a frown. In the next moment, he finds himself running after that person, grabbing him by the arm.

"Hey, Suguru! I said wait!"

He expected Geto to slap him away or show some sort of rejection. Contrary to his expectation, however, the Omega stumbles back and bumps against his chest. His arm that Gojo is holding seems to have no strength. In the meantime, his other hand is covering his nose and mouth — from which he is breathing heavily.


"...You idiot!" Geto mumbles weakly, glaring at him with much difficulty, "Get away from me before I drag you into this in the middle of the street."

"You're in heat? Why are you going into heat? You weren't like this when we were fighting before."

"Why do you think I'm like this? After seeing and doing all that, smelling double your scents while locked in the same room. Any Omega would've– Ugh..."


Geto nearly collapses right then and there; his legs losing the strength to support his body. Gojo catches him before the latter crashes against the solid pavement. He holds him with both arms, at the same time feeling that sweet, titillating scent of fresh spring breeze beginning to assault his nose.

"Let me go," still, Geto tries to push him away, "I can deal with this by myself. I've been doing so for the past ten years. Just...get away from me."


To Geto's surprise, the Alpha refuses right then and there.

"I'm not getting away from you," Gojo says; the look in his eyes is obscured by the blindfold, "In fact, I won't let you go ever again."

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