Chapter 3

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The second Divine Crusader sat on the bed found in the apartment he rented for the rest of the week until the day when the bullhead came to pick up the hopefuls for Beacon Academy. As one of those hopefuls, the young Blonde found himself preparing both his equipment and things. Normally, he would already have done so until he found something in his apartment.

It was a simple wooden chest almost as long as Crocea Mors and as wide as the shield it transformed. What took his attention was the lock had a red diamond instead of a keyhole and he could feel the slight beat of the diamond in the pattern of beating drums. Calloused fingers reached for the diamond and the moment his finger made contact with the diamond, the chest opened revealing...

"Those are..."

His treasures, the items he had gathered during his stay in Nirn. At least the ones he was emotionally invested in. His very own relics were created and enchanted for him.

The steel legion armor covered with dried blood from the Daedra and followers of Mannimarco that he killed during the battle of Bruma, his assault in Mankar Camoran's Paradise, and the battle of the Imperial capital where Mehrunes Dagon...

His Blades armor that he wore on operations for the Blades and the Akaviri Katana along with it and the artifacts from the ancient blades he recovered from Sancre tor.

He could also see the numerous weapons, robes, and other items he had gathered in his travels.

A dagger made from a fang that made the air a bit tingly.

An Akaviri Katana made sometime after the Battle of Bruma as a symbol of his status as the first Blade of Emperor Martin. Both practical and ornamental.

A battleaxe that made the air both colder and hotter at the same time.

A beautiful bow that looked like it was not made by mortal hands and looked delicate.

Numerous tomes and scrolls contain priceless information.

A mace that raised the temperature of the room slightly as his hands brushed by it.

Finally, the most important part of his collection.

The blade of the Champion of Cyrodiil, a blade he named Tamriel, Dawn's Beauty. It was a humble blade that he had to seal away along with his knightly armor after he received the relics of the Crusader. Left in the hands of a dear friend that he knew...

But why was his gear here now?

'Jaune, I apologize for the delay but we were only able to send a few of your more important items that you have a personal connection to. Sadly for obvious reasons, we could not send your properties. Trust me, I petitioned. This chest is connected to a pocket space that is included in a spell tome for you to use.'

-Your friend, Martin.

Replacing his steel dagger with the fang dagger and Crocea Mors with his Akaviri Katana, the young man closed the chest and watched as the chest disappeared, leaving behind a red diamond connected to a bracelet.

Dressed in a white button-up shirt, black pants, and a suit jacket, a pair of black shoes fell in front of the other as Jaune Arc walked across the wilderness of the island of Patch. A gloved hand was raised into the air as a shadow landed on it, revealing a beautiful raven.

Beside him, his aunt, Glynda Goodwitch, his mother's sister, walked by his side, dressed in her usual attire.

How she could walk in her heels EVERYWHERE was something the second Divine Crusader wasted no effort to understand. Hey, his aunt is a badass huntress, she can probably beat some poor person with no effort.

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