Pure of Heart

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In the heavens between Mount Olympus and Earth there was a school where gods, goddesses and demons shared a space of education. A place where they reside before they will replace the previous generation of demons, gods, goddesses, kings, queens and advisors and participate in the future that was decided for them.

The school was much like the heavens, or at least the way Bora would imagine the heavens would look, based on what her history books portrayed them to be.

Her loft was spacious and very— heavenly? To be expected. They were between heavens after all.

Directly across from the door when she entered her loft was a window with a view of the courtyard. There were two large beds on either side of the room, one on the same wall as the washroom door on her right, and the other one was on the wall across from it. She placed her bag on the floor in front of the bed on the left, and began looking around. She could get used to this.

The washroom looked like a waterfall and hot spring, similar to the ones in her history books, it was warm inside, and even more spacious than the bedroom itself. She supposes gods just really valued bathing.

She exited the washroom and walked over to the window. This was nothing like the demon realm. It was much cooler up here in the skies. It felt nice.

Purgatory was hot all of the time, hell was cold, but it wasn't the same. There was a breeze up here, making Bora want to stand in front of the window for hours and feel the wind on her face. But she needed to unpack.

She mounted her sword on two hooks on the wall beside her bed and then began unpacking her clothes. A few short minutes went by and everything was lying out on her bed for her to see.

She put her crown down on the bedside table, it wasn't something she liked to wear, but it was nice to look at. And just as she made her way around her bed to unpack more clothes the loft door opened.

When Bora looked up, a young goddess paused just over the threshold of the door, eyes slightly wide and startled by Bora's presence, before she waved shyly and continued quietly into the room towards her own bed, bag in hand.

She looked so delicate, nearly as pale as the white summer dress she wore, face and collar bone decorated in some kind of glitter and her hair was tied back with two white ribbons.

"Good morning." Bora greeted and the girl stopped halfway across the room, offered Bora a small bow and the sweetest smile she had ever seen. Bora was definitely seeing the devil. So radiant she had to be too good to be true.

Together the girl's both unpack in silence, with Bora stealing a few glances here and there, but the young goddess never noticed.

Bora was the first to finish unpacking her bags, and since they had the entire day to wander around the school grounds freely, Bora decided she would explore a little. But not without glancing at the name of her roommate's name engraved on the plaque outside of their sleeping quarters.

Yubin, her name was. The goddess of purity. She seemed like it. Big brown curious eyes, skin as delicate as frost. She thought it was odd that goddesses and demons could share a room, but if the gods were okay with it, then so was she.

She didn't mind sharing a room with a goddess, especially when she looked like Yubin.

Bora just hoped she wouldn't turn out to be a snob like she's heard some gods and goddesses could be. Oh how she would regret how her eyes wandered if she were. Such a waste of stolen glances.

During her walk through the school, Bora found the class rooms, which were practically mini chapels, the dining hall fit for a king, and the library was bigger than Bora could have ever imagined. There was a statue or painting of different deities and angels in just about every corner of the school. Bora thought it was overkill, but everything else was nice.

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