The Festival

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Another late night, and Bora was settling into bed. Just as she was getting comfortable, Yubin left her own bed, and climbed into Bora's instead.

"What's this?" Bora chuckles, watching Yubin get comfortable next to her under the blankets.

"I wanna be next to you." The goddess chuckled, resting her chin down on Bora's shoulder.

The demon smiles to herself, taking Yubin's hand into hers and getting comfortable beside the goddess.

"I felt something scary during my reading." The demon states as Yubin closes her fingers around Bora's. She's been meaning to say something since they've returned to school, she just didn't know how to bring it up before.

"Me too.." Yubin replies quietly.

Bora turns her head to look at the goddess. "Why didn't you say anything?"

Yubin pouts, lifting her chin from Bora's shoulder. "Why didn't you?"

Bora's gaze falls to her lap as she remembers the horrible feeling. "It scared me.. I was so angry.. it was overwhelming.." She never wants to feel that angry again. She didn't feel like herself.

She didn't feel anything at all.

"I was so scared.." Yubin starts. ".. it hurts so much.. but the fortune teller told me.. that I was calling for you." Yubin tells her, adjusting her hand in Bora's. She tried not to think about it, but it was hard to forget the feeling.

Bora lets go of Yubin's hand, lifting her fingers to her face, and gently strokes the goddesses cheek. Yubin places her chin on Bora's shoulder again. "If you call me, I will be there. No one can hold me back." The demon tells her.

Yubin's eyes saddened and drifted to the bed. "I wish I could be that for you too.."

"You don't have to be.." Bora reassures her, lowering her hand from the goddesses face and taking Yubin's hand again.

"I want to be.." Yubin trailed off.

Bora smiles to herself, kisses Yubin's cheek and then pulls away.

Yubin then paused, looked at Bora, eyes flickering to her lips, before gently grabbing Bora's jaw and gently kissing her lips in return.

Bora's heart fluttered at the gesture.

When Yubin pulled away, she immediately got shy, turning away from Bora and cuddling into the bed and blankets. Bora laughs to herself, pulling the goddess closer and settling onto her.

The next day, there were no lessons or classes going on because there was a festival happening in the city, and Bora wanted to go.

"I dunno.." Yubin says, unsure.

"Not even for a little? I've never been to a festival like this. We don't have them in the demon realm." Bora tells her, leaning into Yubin and pecking her face with kisses and getting as many 'please's' in between each kiss.

Yubin holds Bora at arm's length after the tenth kiss. "Okay! For you." The goddess laughs. "We can go together."

The festival was beautiful, the fountains and the orange lights illuminating the dark skies. There were so many races around; demons, goddesses, saints, angels, just eating and walking around as one.

Yubin and Bora walk around the streets looking at historical statues and reading the descriptions under them.

At the center of the festival there was a stage with a man with a book in hand, retelling the history of the last couple of centuries. He spoke about the war between the gods and man, and how the next war would be between Gods and Demons. It was destined, because the next demon ruler was the Demon of War.

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