Table of Green

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When Bora woke up the next morning, it was later than she normally would. She blames it on the new environment, the drafty air was chilling to her skin.

She pushed herself up from her mattress and yawned, brushing her fiery hair back out of her face, just for it to fall back into her line of sight again. When she looked over, she found the culprit to the draft, the window was open again and Yubin's bed was empty.

But before she could even get a chance to question where the goddess had gone, the washroom door opened and Yubin stepped out, wrapped in nothing but a towel.

Mirroring their first interaction, Yubin paused in the threshold with a startled look, not expecting Bora to be awake yet.

"I just left my soap.." she hesitantly walked across the room to retrieve the bottle off her desk, clutching her towel to her chest. Bora just looked away, It was too early for this..

After Bora had gotten ready for her day too, having avoided Yubin's gaze every time she looked in Bora's direction, she went to her first class of the morning, Ancestral History.

It was a very boring lesson, and she was just not interested. Not even when she was a child could her father get her to listen to his retellings of the last thousands of years of history, and what it brings for her future.

It was always the same war story about the demons with a lack of variety in outcome. They either lost or won. Never anything interesting in between.

It was supposed to be something she could be proud of, and in some aspects, she was. But ultimately, she didn't care what her ancestors did. They weren't her, she was her own demon. She didn't want to follow in their footsteps. She had no plans on doing what her father did, or what her grandfather or, what his grandmother did. But she had no real choice in the matter.

The rest of the school day went by just as uninteresting. She paid attention as much as her attention span would allow her to, but her mind would constantly drift to a certain brown eyed goddess and her bewitching smile, her delicate looking skin, soft lips, her voice, everything about her was just so mesmerizing. Bora didn't even want to fight the distraction.

It wasn't until later that day at Evolution could Bora finally bring herself to care and pay attention long enough to potentially learn something. Evolution was a training course where students could battle each other, and other students not taking the class could spectate.

Now this was more Bora's style, this is where she could shine the most. She was the future demon queen and demon of war after all, so it was only natural she would take to something like this.

The only catch was no one was allowed to use real power. Just force or a makeshift sword that the school provided. Meaning no one could attempt to light their opponent on fire in order to win. Besides, that would be saved for the future when Bora would "inevitably" start a war or whatever the fuck the previous generation kept saying.

There were a few battles to watch before it was Bora's turn, so Bora watched from the audience like everyone else.

Every battle was entertaining to some degree, except for one that was far too evenly matched and went on a couple minutes too long. The professor had called that match and they moved on to the next round.

In the next round, there was the Goddess of Love, a blonde beauty with long legs and perfect discipline. She was fierce, a force to be reckoned with.

While her opponents tired themselves out with offensive attacks, the Goddess of Love waited, then struck with great precision.

Every swing of her makeshift sword was pure accuracy. Bora thought it was admirable. She clearly took a lot of pride in her technique and studied her opponents closely during battle and figured them out quickly. So it was no surprise when the match ended within a few seconds.

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