Her Fate

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Bora woke up before the sun had even come up the next morning, and she was thankful to have fallen back into her regular sleep schedule again. The earlier hours of the morning were always her favorite, she could go out with not a single expectation to uphold to, so It was her favorite time of day.

Yubin was still asleep at that hour, peacefully curled up on her side, hands tucked under her head like a true sleeping angel.

Bora smiled to herself when she saw her, but quickly stopped when she realized and pushed herself out of bed.

Before Bora passed Yubin's bed on the way to the washroom, she noticed the goddess's blanket was only covering her lower half. Remembering how cold Yubin easily got, she pulled the blanket over the goddess carefully before continuing into the washroom and closing the door behind herself quietly.

When she heard the door close, Yubin's eyes opened and they drifted in the direction of the washroom, before pulling her blankets closer to her chest and exhaling. She gave herself a few moments before sitting up and looking at the door again.

She didn't know why she pretended to still be asleep, but her fluttering heart told her it was too early to think about it.

She looked over at the closed window and then pushed herself out of her bed, making her way across the room and opening the window for Bora. While she waited for the demon of war to get out of the washroom, she let the cool breeze hit her face as she looked out at the slowly brightening skies.

It didn't take more than a few seconds for her to feel chilly enough to shiver, but in a way she liked it.

A few minutes went by before the washroom door opened again. Bora stepped out completely dressed for the day, drying her wet hair with a towel as she made her way across the room to her bed. Yubin avoided Bora's eyes when she would look in her direction, and went into the washroom to get herself ready for the day.

Yubin had no idea why she was avoiding her, she wasn't scared of Bora like she was with other goddesses and demons. But her heart still raced whenever the demon looked in her direction, and she couldn't identify the feeling she would get.

In Ancestral History, the professor was going over the wars started and led by the past Demons of War and how they were destined for destruction. Yubin couldn't help but think about how Bora was supposed to be the next demon of war. It was an odd thought, really. She was so kind hearted compared to most, especially for someone who was supposed to be "evil with no reason".

The first half of the lesson was about the demons and the biggest wars they fought against the goddesses, and the second half was about the goddesses, and how they fought up until the very end against the demons in all the wars the demonic kings and queens have started over the centuries.

While the professor continued to talk at the slowest pace possible, Yubin tuned her out and admired the illustrations of goddesses and gods in her history book. The illustrations were beautiful, really. The Goddesses and Gods had giant wings and held swords of steel, blessed by the many deities before them, fighting for what they believed in.

This only put an ache in Yubin's chest, she wishes she was like that. She wishes she were stronger like them.

She turned the pages in her book and held back a sigh, not wanting to disturb the lesson, until she turned to a page of her ancestors and what was destined for her.

Her fate.

These images didn't depict the strong warriors like Bora's family or the ancestors of her classmates, but a weak, helpless goddess of the man's depicted world. When she turned to the next page, there was another illustration of the same goddess stained in blood, lying in the arms of a man and his sword as she bled out into the pond beneath them.

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